Board meetings are the 2nd Monday of each month at 6:30PM at Reed-Turner Woodlands
Meeting Agendas & Minutes
January 13, 2024 – 6:30 p.m. at Reed Turner Nature Center
Call to order, Roll Call: Southwell
Items from Audience: Guest (s)
(Limited to maximum 3 minutes per guest, maximum is 10 minutes total).
Meeting Minutes review/approval: Southwell
· Dec 2024
Legal/Intergovernmental: Southwell et al
· Intergovernmental Agreements, activity – State of Il/DOT, VHW, Ela, VOLG, D96
· F.O.I.A. Requests/Responses Young
· Financial Reports: Dec 2024 Young/Frystak
· Financial Mgt/Reporting Frystak/Young/Healy
· Annual Fin. Submission update Healy/Young/Frystak
Programs and Events:
· Winter/Spring Programs Frystak
· Strategy Discussion, continued Frystak/Healy/Southwell
President’s Report: Southwell
Community Engagement, Communications: Healy Underwood
Volunteer Activities & Projects; S-USA Projects: Shah/Healy/Skillicorn
Strategy/Branding/Constituent Awareness: Southwell/Healy
Open-Lands Management:
· Updates: RTW, BCP, LVM, L-H, Mitigation Property Healy/Southwell/et al
Old Business:
· RTW: Beaver Dam/Flooding Tree-loss Concerns, Stream Bank Scouring, Bridges
· Security LH and RTNC: Update and Discussion - Signage, Potential Lighting
· Potential Extension of Contract: Lake County Stars – L Hill Ballfields
· Mitigation Property - IL DOT Provision of Doc Set for Title Transfer
· Potential Revisions to “Programs and Events Manager” Accountabilities
New Business:
· Resolution Approval, Execution of IDOT Temporary Easement (at IL22/Stonehaven HOA)
Move to Closed-Session: Commissioners only
Return to Open Session: Southwell
Long Grove Park District – Meeting Minutes
December 10, 2024
The meeting was called to order by James Southwell, President, at 6:33 p.m.
Roll Call
Commissioners Present
Healy, Shah, Skillicorn, Southwell, Underwood, Wernikoff
Commissioners Absent
Federer - excused
Stewards & Staff Present
S Young
Members of the Public Present
Meeting Minutes Review/Approval - Southwell
The November 2024 minutes were reviewed. Healy moved to approve the minutes as presented. Skillicorn seconded the motion. The November 2024 minutes were approved unanimously.
Legal/Intergovernmental – Southwell
Intergovernmental Agreements, activity – State of Il/DOT, VHW, Ela, VOLG
Frystak reported District 96 contacted her and should have an IG agreement drafted regarding use of space at the schools for programs in the next week or two.
FOIA Requests – Young
None received.
Financial Reports – Young/Southwell
The financial reports for November 2024 were reviewed. Underwood moved to accept the November financial reports as presented. Wernikoff seconded the motion. The financial reports for November 2024 were accepted unanimously.
Annual Financial Reporting: Review/Approval – Healy/Young/Frystak
The FY2024 Illinois Annual Financial Report that was prepared by Swarztrauber & Co. with assistance from Healy, Frystak and S. Young, along with a report summarizing transactions and highlighted items was provided to board members prior to the meeting for review.
Proposed Acceptance of and Approval to Submit LGPD Annual Financial Filing with the State of Illinois
I, Angela Underwood, move to accept the annual 2024 financial report prepared by Swarztrauber & Co. as arranged and presented by Janet Healy, as well as to authorize its timely submittal to the State of Illinois.
Seconded by: Skillicorn
A roll call vote was taken: Healy-aye, Shah-aye, Skillicorn-aye, Southwell-aye, Underwood-aye, Wernikoff-aye. Motion carried unanimously.
UBS Account
Healy reported a $50,000 CD matured two weeks ago; $46,000 was put into a 12-month CD at 4.4%, and the balance was put into a core savings account.
Programs and Events - Frystak
Winter/Spring Programs, Santa Event
“Sessions with Santa” December 7th was a success. Frystak received many emails from families who participated thanking the Park District for holding the event. A video of the event was posted on social media.
Fall programs are ending soon. Winter programs have been posted on the website and signups are coming in.
President’s Report – Southwell
ComEd Lease Renewal
No word has been received from ComEd regarding the application.
Parking Lot Grant/State of Illinois
The grant manager confirmed with Southwell that everything required from LGPD has been submitted and received. Waiting for payment from the State. Southwell will continue to follow up with the grant manager regarding payment and close-out.
Reed-Turner Nature Center/Woodlands
Del Rio’s accomplished a fall cleanup in front of, and around the Nature Center.
The water heater in the basement developed a substantial leak. M. Young cleaned up the mess and a new water heater was ordered and installed.
Longview Meadow
The trails are in good condition.
Lemmon Hill
Fly-dumping continues by the dumpster.
A very large, old oak tree along Gilmer Road fell down during a wind storm. Del Rio’s cut up the tree and moved logs behind the barn. Plan is to split and store logs, racked in the barn, for future use at LH and/or RTW fire pits.
Gridley Ballfield
No updates.
Countryside FD Field
Southwell is working with Chief Smith on extending the agreement, to permit LGPD to use the field, no charge, for 2025 programs. The Chief will present this to the CSFD board and will report back.
Community Engagement/Communications – Healy/Underwood
A two-page article appeared in the December issue of Stroll Magazine; “What a Year at the Long Grove Park District.” A similar article, “2024 Highlights from the Long Grove Park District” will be in the December issue of The Bridge.
Healy asked for ideas for spring articles.
Volunteer Activities & Projects, S-USA Projects – Shah/Healy/Skillicorn
Skillicorn has not heard from the scout he has been working with on a new project.
There are trees by the lake that need to have the Poultry Wire that was placed around them loosened. Healy suggested having volunteers place colored tape on the trees that need to have this done. Shah will survey the area and set up a work day.
Shah reported walking through Buffalo Creek Park to inspect the area. There is quite a bit of trash that needs to be cleaned up. Also, there is a slat missing on a footbridge that needs replaced. Healy will contact M. Young and ask that he make the repairs needed.
Open Lands Management – Healy/Southwell
No updates.
Old Business
RTW: Beaver Dam/Flooding Tree-loss Concerns, Stream Bank Scouring
Skillicorn stated the water is down and no further bank-scouring noted.
Security LH and RTNC: Update and Discussion - Signage, Potential Lighting
Wernikoff installed a new WiFi gateway at Lemmon Hill to support security cameras. A business account was opened at T-Mobile.
Wernikoff and Federer will walk the property at RTW/RTNC and make recommendations for where to place motion-controlled lighting in the parking lot and close to RTNC.
Potential Extension of Contract: Lake County Stars – L Hill Ballfields
Southwell plans to negotiate a new contract with LCS for 2025 to include an extended season for the port-a-potty and an agreement to split or otherwise manage costs for any damages/vandalism that may occur to buildings and/or property.
Mitigation Property - IL DOT Provision of Doc Set for Title Transfer
Prior to the board meeting, Southwell sent board members documents regarding the transfer (IL IDOT to LGPD) of the property title for review. This includes three parcels totaling approximately 45+ acres at IL83 and Gilmer/Oakwood Roads. Discussion followed.
All questions were answered. Southwell asked if all Commissioners remained supportive of the property transfer or if anyone had concerns. All were in favor of moving forward.
A Certified Resolution is required to authorize Southwell to execute necessary documents, have them witnessed/notarized and returned back to the State of IL.
(Governmental Entity)
Be it Resolved that the Board of the Long Grove Park District finds it is necessary or convenient for it to use, occupy or improve the real estate herein described for Park purposes.
Be it Further Resolved, Jim Southwell, the President, Stephanie Young, Secretary, and Adam Simon, Attorney of the Board of the above-referenced governmental entity are hereby authorized and directed to express the Park District’s interest in acquiring the following described real estate in Lake County, Illinois from the People of the State of Illinois, Department of Transportation:
Parcel No.: 1WY1202
P.I.N. No.: 15-07-401-006, 15-18-200-018 and 15-07-400-010See attached legal description.
Be it Further Resolved that they are authorized and directed to execute and deliver such agreements and instruments as may be necessary or convenient to consummate such acquisition.
Be It Further Resolved that the Commissioners of the or Board of the governmental entity, pursuant to 70 ILCS 1205/8-1(b) voted for the adoption of this resolution as follows:
A roll call vote was taken: Healy-aye, Shah-aye, Skillicorn-aye, Southwell-aye, Underwood-aye, Wernikoff-aye. 6 for, none against, 1 absent. Motion carried unanimously.
Potential Revisions to “Programs and Events Manager” Accountabilities
To be revisited in January.
New Business
Wernikoff reviewed the most recent Comcast bill which includes one phone line and internet and compared rates with what T Mobile offers. A gateway could be added at RTNC along with a phone line, cost would be approximately $90 per month. Southwell would like to discuss further before making any changes.
Moved to Closed Session
Underwood moved to go into closed session to discuss HR topics. Healy seconded the motion. The meeting was moved to closed session at 7:42 p.m.
Return to Open Session
Healy moved to return to open session. Skillicorn seconded the motion. The meeting was moved to open session at 7:44 p.m.
Motion Regarding Merit Increases and Bonuses for LGPD Staff 2024
I, James Southwell, move to recognize and reward the exceptional efforts contributed and results achieved by our three part-time, hourly employees in 2024 with a combination of merit increases and one-time cash bonuses. Specifically, merit increases of 3% beginning January 1, 2025, on hourly rates for S. Young (to: $31.40), M. Young (to: $31.40) and bonuses of 8% of each employee’s gross/base December 10, 2023, to December 10, 2024 (“2024”) wages (dollar amounts calculated by multiplying each employee’s “2024” gross wages x 0.08). Bonuses thus amounting to: $1,244 for S. Young, $1,140 for M. Young and $3,237 for A. Frystak. (All amounts gross) payable in January 2025.
Seconded by: Underwood
A roll call vote was taken: Healy-aye, Shah-aye, Skillicorn-aye, Southwell-aye, Underwood-aye, Wernikoff-aye. Motion carried unanimously.
Adjournment of Meeting
Wernikoff moved to adjourn the meeting. Skillicorn seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 7:54 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Stephanie Young, Recording Secretary
Long Grove Park District – Meeting Minutes
November 11, 2024
The meeting was called to order by James Southwell, President, at 6:34 p.m.
Roll Call
Commissioners Present
Federer, Healy, Shah, Southwell, Wernikoff
Commissioners Absent
Skillicorn excused, Underwood excused
Stewards & Staff Present
Frystak, Young
Members of the Public Present
Meeting Minutes Review/Approval - Southwell
The October 2024 minutes were reviewed. Healy moved to approve the minutes as presented. Wernikoff seconded the motion. The October 2024 minutes were approved unanimously.
Legal/Intergovernmental – Southwell
Intergovernmental Agreements, activity – State of Il/DOT, VHW, Ela, VOLG, D96
No updates from State of IL/DOT, D96, VHW, Ela Township.
Healy received an email from the Village of Long Grove regarding PD property that had been damaged in December 2021 at a construction site in Glenstone Park. The Village was following up to confirm everything had been repaired and cleaned up by the contractor. The deadline was April 2022 to finish the work.
FOIA Requests – Young
None received.
Bookkeeping/Financial Reporting Improvements – Frystak/Young/Healy
Financial Reports – Young/Frystak/Southwell
The financial reports for October 2024 were reviewed and discussed at the meeting. Healy moved to accept the October 2024 financial reports as presented. Federer seconded the motion. The financial reports for October 2024 were accepted unanimously.
Healy noted a UBS CD, $50,000, was maturing November 22nd. Southwell suggested putting $25,000 in a new CD and $25,000 in a cash account so as to maintain a small, liquid cash-position. All were in agreement, Healy will arrange.
Financial Mgt/Reporting (Move to Accrual?) – Frystak/Young/Healy
Discussion was held regarding changing reporting from cash to accrual in the middle of the fiscal year. Federer stated the reporting should be kept as cash basis. It would be easier to compare current expenses and income to prior years. Board will continue to evaluate and discuss at subsequent meetings.
Annual Financial Reporting to the State of IL – Healy/Young/Frystak
All of the information that the accounting firm had requested to support report development has been provided. Firm continues work on the report. Young and Frystak will follow up on the progress, with an objective of completion, review and presentation for consideration of acceptance at December meeting.
Healy reported that a donation of $1,200 was received from the Long Grove-Kildeer Garden Club. Frystak reported a donation of $100 was made on the website from a Long Grove resident. Thank you letters will be sent out.
Programs and Events - Frystak
Fall/Winter/Spring Programs
Winter/spring programs have been posted on the website.
Sessions with Santa
Frystak sent an email in-advance to Long Grove residents on our email list to promote the Santa event. Subsequently also sent to all-other past participants in our Programs and Events. A flyer was sent to District 96 to be included in the virtual backpack. All but 4 slots have been booked. This event will sell out. A photographer was booked. Frystak is looking for a live reindeer for the event.
President’s Report – Southwell
ComEd Lease Renewal Application.
No updates.
State of IL/Parking Lot Grant
No updates.
Reed-Turner Nature Center
Federer and M. Young have been sourcing HVAC options. Young obtained quotes from three companies. Prices for the AC unit range from $4500 to $6000. Federer and Young will discuss further and Federer will provide an update at the next meeting.
Longview Meadow
The trails are in good condition.
Lemmon Hill
Dumpster Shed Replacement
A rough design has been drawn up. This is budgeted for the 2024-2025 fiscal year. More information will be provided in the next few months.
Southwell reported the grass field is now restored and in good condition. Plan to contract SavALawn for treatments in the spring and also will plan to spot treat re-growth on the infield as needed in the spring.
Hayrake/Wehrenberg Trails
Work on extending the Hayrake Trail has been deferred until January. Clean up and widening the trails will also be deferred until December or January.
Buffalo Creek Park
Southwell asked Del Rio’s to do a fall cleanup in late November; weed management, shrub and tree trimming, general bed cleanup, deadwood/sucker removal.
Healy is going to walk through BCP with M. Young and inspect the bridge.
Reed-Turner Woodland
Del Rio’s will continue to cleanup around RTNC and the outside perimeter of the parking lot through late-season.
Bagster Concept for hauling Wood Chips for Trail Maintenance
Wernikoff and Federer will put the bagster together. This will be used to move larger amounts of chips to the trails.
Beaver Dams
Del Rio’s reported no new activity.
Southwell provided M. Young with instructions on the use of the tractor and will train in the near future. There are serious safety concerns to bear in mind, train for and while using the tractor.
Countryside FD Field
Turf conditions are much improved. Frystak reported using the field for summer programs. There were no complaints about the field condition. Del Rio’s was asked to fill in holes and low spots.
Southwell sent a thank you letter to Chief Smith. Discussion for using the field, no fee, in 2025 is ongoing. The Chief will bring the request to the CSFD Board.
Mitigation Property
Southwell asked Del Rio’s to clean up along Route 83; pull flags, election signage adjacent to the roadways. They will also be asked to cut buckthorn and other invasives during the off-season.
Community Engagement/Communications – Healy
An article was submitted for the December issue of Stroll Magazine and The Bridge; “What a Year at the Long Grove Park District!”.
Frystak submitted an article about winter programs for Stroll. They will try to add to the December issue.
Volunteer Activities & Projects; S-USA Projects – Shah/Healy/Skillicorn
Shah will walk through BCP and RTW to see if any cleanup needs to be done and will schedule a workday if necessary.
Healy noted there are benches at RTW that need to be replaced. This would be a good scout project.
Strategy/Branding/Constituent Awareness – Southwell
Roadside Property Signage
No updates. Frystak will be working with Southwell on this.
Open Lands Management – Healy/Southwell
Updates: RTW, BCP, LVM, L-H, Mitigation Area
Healy noted stewardship work is done for the year.
A burn will be scheduled at RTW when weather permits. Plan to burn on the east side; McHenry Triangle, sedge meadow and prairie patch. Post cards will be sent to notify neighbors prior to the burn.
Old Business
Security LH & RTNC: Update and Discussion – Signage, Potential Lighting
Wernikoff sent information to board members prior to the meeting regarding new motion-controlled lighting for RTW parking lot. An electrician will be needed to install a WiFi switch. Southwell asked Wernikoff to provide a diagram of where he recommends installing the lighting for the next meeting. Wernikoff and Federer will work on this.
Potential Extension of Contract: Lake County Stars – Lemmon Hill Ballfields
Frystak reached out to Cynthia Zarkowsky at LCS regarding extending the contract for the 2025 season. Southwell noted he would like to have a port-a-potty available at LH from April to November and to limit access to the shed.
New Business
Potential Revisions to “Programs & Events Manager” position.
Moved to Closed Session
Wernikoff moved to go into closed session. Federer seconded the motion. The meeting was moved to closed session at 7:44 p.m.
Return to Open Session
Federer moved to return to open session. Shah seconded the motion. The meeting was returned to open session at 8:08 p.m.
Adjournment of Meeting
Healy moved to adjourn the meeting. Wernikoff seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 8:09 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Stephanie Young, Recording Secretary
Item description
Long Grove Park District – Meeting Minutes
September 23, 2024
The meeting was called to order by James Southwell, President, at 6:03 p.m.
Roll Call
Commissioners Present
Federer, Healy, Skillicorn, Southwell
Commissioners Absent
Shah, Underwood, Wernikoff
Stewards & Staff Present
Frystak, S. Young
Members of the Public Present
Meeting Minutes Review/Approval - Southwell
The August 2024 minutes were reviewed. Healy and Young noted one change that was made under “Treasury/Budgeting/Banking/Insurance” regarding the UBS CD that matured on August 16th. The correct amount is $123,000, not $125,000.
Healy moved to approve the minutes as corrected. Skillicorn seconded the motion. The August 2024 minutes were approved unanimously as corrected.
Legal/Intergovernmental – Southwell
Intergovernmental Agreements, activity – State of Il/DOT, VHW, Ela, VOLG, D96
No updates.
FOIA Requests – Young
None received.
Bookkeeping/Chart-of-Accounts Update – Frystak/Young/Healy
No updates.
Financial Reports –Frystak/Young/Southwell
The financial reports for August 2024 were reviewed and discussed at the meeting. Healy moved to accept the August 2024 financial reports as presented. Federer seconded the motion. The financial reports for August 2024 were accepted unanimously.
Budget 2024-25 Review and Adoption - Frystak/Young/Southwell
Frystak circulated an Excel format of the budget with an explanation of budgeted numbers prior to the meeting for all to review.
Skillicorn moved to adopt the FY24-25 budget as presented. Healy seconded the motion. The motion to adopt the budget passed unanimously.
Southwell prepared and presented a fiscal year explainer with budget approach, strategy and perspective for accompany the budget to provide perspective and insight for any interested party.
UBS Account
Southwell proposed keeping $50,000 liquid when the next CD comes due. All were in agreement.
Programs and Events - Frystak
Ongoing Programs, Event Program Updates
Fall programs are running. Registration numbers are up from summer programs. LGPD is partnering with Village of Hawthorn Woods; more facilities to be used and more programs that are being offered.
The Wicked Woodlands event is sold out! Over 200 tickets were sold, 20 orders for each of the 3 time slots. New this year is a face painter and magician. Pumpkins and treat bags will be given to each child. A group of girl scouts have offered to help with games. Frystak noted more volunteers are needed.
Web Content Accessibility, Interim Report - Southwell/Frystak
Frystak has continued to research guidelines and statutes. We deem the LGPD website to currently be in substantial compliance with ADA requirements around accessibility. No new updates.
President’s Report – Southwell
ComEd Lease Renewal application.
There has been no response from ComEd regarding the lease application that was sent in June. An invoice was received from MacMunnis for 2021 taxes. No invoice as been received from ComEd for the lease.
IL Grant for RTW Parking Lot
Southwell sent a reminder email to the grant manager but has not received a response as of yet. An invoice was sent for reimbursement of the parking lot project.
Barbara Turner Memorial
Southwell, Del Rio’s and M. Young will meet in October to do the excavation and pour the foundation for the small monument, followed by installation of the steel element. In the spring, the commemorative plaque will be placed. A dedication ceremony will be held in the spring/summer of 2025.
Updates: Property Management, Numerous Projects
Reed-Turner Nature Center
Two storm doors have been installed.
Federer and M. Young will meet 09/24 to discuss options for replacing the air conditioner for the main room. Federer noted a heat pump might be an option and this will be explored further.
Longview Meadow
No updates. Southwell will discuss with Healy ideas to supplement parking discretely at LVM.
Lemmon Hill
Warning signs have been installed. Wernikoff is to research trespassing/dumping statutes for signage.
Gridley Field
Spot treatment of growth on the infields was not successful. Will treat again and may rototill in the spring.
Hayrake/Wehrenberg trails
Work deferred.
Reed-Turner Woodlands
M. Young will be researching trailer options ideally with self-dumping and high box. Wood chips from the trees/limbs that were removed after the storm were dumped at RTW to be used on the trails.
Approximately $10-11k was spent on tree work due to the many trees and limbs that had fallen adjacent to residents’ properties and at Lemmon Hill during the storm.
Buffalo Creek Park
Southwell asked Del Rio’s to not mow properties for the time being due to lack of rain. The crew focused on BCP; tree and shrub trimming, dead wood removed, cleaning up beds and trails treated for weeds.
Beaver dams
Skillicorn reported Del Rio’s took down 5 dams, removed the wood and burned the debris. These were in addition to the dams that Skillicorn and 2 volunteers had removed. By the bridge by Old McHenry Road, there was a 3-foot dam that Del Rio’s took out. Once it was removed, the water went down about 4 feet. The beavers are rebuilding the dams that were removed. A contractor will be coming in the next few days to live-trap and remove the beavers. He suggested not taking down anymore dams until the beavers are removed. More levelers may need to be installed.
IAPD Seminar/Conference
IAPD is offering a legal symposium November 7th. This seminar will be covering background screening parameters, hiring new employees, complying with FOIA requests, website posting rules and more. Southwell will make recommendations on who should attend.
The IAPD annual conference will be held in January/February of 2025. Southwell would like Frystak to participate as well as himself.
Community Engagement/Communications – Healy
There was a 4-page article in the September issue of Stroll Magazine about the Wicked Woodlands Event. An article about the Eagle Scout project, painting/staining the back garage, will be submitted along with photos for the October issue.
Volunteer Activities & Projects; S-USA Projects – Shah/Healy/Skillicorn
Brandon Matthys, Eagle Scout candidate, completed his project of painting and staining the back garage and garage door. Skillicorn will provide photos for the website.
Federer is working with an Eagle Scout candidate. They will meet to walk the woodlands to discuss opportunities for projects.
Another candidate contacted the office expressing interest in doing their project at RTW. Skillicorn is in contact with them.
Ideas for projects include loosening tree-cages by the lake, fixing the walkway in front of RTNC, removing stepping stones, level out the area, add gravel and flagstones. Southwell asked for more ideas for projects. A list of projects should be compiled and circulated to commissioners and also possibly post on the website.
Strategy/Branding/Constituent Awareness – Southwell/Healy
Roadside Property Signage
No updates.
Open Lands Management – Healy/Southwell
Updates: RTW, BCP, LVM, L-H, Mit. Area
Tallgrass visited RTW August 30th. The water level in the stream was too high, not much work could be done. They will come back in a week to treat cattails and canary grass if the water has gone down. If not, they will have to wait until next spring.
Healy will meet with Sarah Schultz and Mary Zander to discuss what section to burn next. They have a map where past burns have occurred. Once the map is updated to show where work and burns need to be done, it will be given to Tallgrass.
A final stewardship visit was completed.
Healy shared with Southwell plans for work with Tallgrass in 2025; stewardship, burns and clearings.
Old Business
Discussion around updating Rules-of-Use for LGPD Parks and Facilities
Security RTNC/LH
Wernikoff is researching statutes for warning signage, as well as how to economically assure better security and vandalism prevention. More security cameras will likely be placed in the future.
Grants - Gauging Board Interest in, Ability to Support, Applications and Management of Potential Projects
Southwell and Frystak have been discussing programs and events. There has been limited demand for programs. Quite a bit of time and effort goes into planning programs but often-times insufficent signups to actually run them. This will be revisited in 6 months. Special events have drawn more interest/signups. Frystak has expressed interest in supporting grant applications and will start researching grants and processes. Southwell stated Frystak could bring considerable value to grant applications. Focus should be on strategic needs first. All were supportive of this.
New Business
Skillicorn noted he attended the Storm Water Management HOA Vendor Expo September 12th.
Adjournment of Meeting
Healy moved to adjourn the meeting. Skillicorn seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 7:47 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Stephanie Young, Recording Secretary
Long Grove Park District – Meeting Minutes
July 15, 2024
The meeting was called to order by James Southwell, President, at 6:02 p.m.
Roll Call
Commissioners Present
Federer, Healy, Skillicorn, Southwell, Wernikoff
Shah arrived at 6:24 p.m., Underwood arrived at 6:53 p.m.
Stewards & Staff Present
Frystak, S. Young
Members of the Public Present
Meeting Minutes Review/Approval - Southwell
The June 2024 minutes were reviewed. Healy moved to approve the minutes as presented. Wernikoff seconded the motion. The June 2024 minutes were approved unanimously.
Legal/Intergovernmental – Southwell
Intergovernmental Agreements, activity – State of Il/DOT, VHW, Ela, VOLG, D96
No new updates on State of IL/DOT, VHW, Ela, VOLG
FOIA Requests – Young
None received.
Bookkeeping/Financial Reporting Improvements – Frystak/Young/Healy
Commissioners like the new reporting that was presented, much improved. It gives greater visibility, helpful as far as the budget versus actual spending.
Financial Reports – Frystak/Young/Southwell
The financial reports for July 2024 were reviewed and discussed at the meeting. Healy moved to accept the July 2024 financial reports as presented. Federer seconded the motion. The financial reports for July 2024 were accepted unanimously.
Healy reported a CD at UBS for $123,000 is coming due in August and $11,000 will be moved to the PNC account. Healy will compare rates; 6 months versus 12 months or possibly 2 years and will report back at the next board meeting. The next CD coming due will be in November.
Southwell noted the need to start working on the FY24-25 budget and asked for everyone’s input for needs.
President’s Report – Southwell
ComEd Lease Renewal application.
The application and all supporting documents were submitted along with payment that was sent on June 17th. Southwell is waiting for a response from ComEd. The lease ends 07/30/24.
IL Grant, LGPD “SAM” Registration, Reporting and related
The System for Award Management (SAM) re-registration is complete and active. Southwell, Healy and Underwood are in the system. Additional reporting and self-audits have been completed and submitted. The payment holds have been lifted. An invoice was created and submitted for matching funds and will be anticipating a response/payment within the next month.
Reed-Turner Nature Center
The garage has been cleaned out and organized. The Waste Management dumpster was removed and the port-a-potty is in place by the back garage.
The A/C unit for the offices needs to be serviced, cost will be approximately $500. This will be done in the next few weeks. Markgraf noted the primary A/C is quite old and failing and will need to be replaced soon.
Storm doors have been purchased and will be installed in the next month or so. Will need to find someone to help with installation.
The flagstone walkway in front of the building will need to be reconstructed once everything has settled. This is planned for September.
Longview Meadow
Del Rio’s cut the trails and are in good condition.
Lemmon Hill
No trespassing and no dumping signs have been purchased and will be installed.
There is water pooling by the dumpster. Del Rio’s will cut a swale towards a nearby drain to direct parking lot run-off water towards the grassy area. Work was being done on July 15th.
Gridley Field
The gate was replaced and is working well.
The turf condition is improved and now useable for sports programs. Del Rio’s removed vegetation early July and will spot treat re-growth on the infield as needed. Bases are ready to be set. Baseball mix will be brought in.
Southwell asked if anyone has received requests from groups looking to use the baseball field. None have been received recently.
Hayrake/Wehrenberg Trails
Work to cleanup, widening of the trails has been temporarily deferred.
Reed-Turner Woodland
The Barbara Turner memorial foundation/construction will be deferred until September or October.
Tractor maintenance has been completed. Southwell drove the tractor from the LH barn to RTW. Signage was placed on the tractor and M. Young followed with Southwell’s truck. The tractor was put into the garage.
Skillicorn reported the water is almost over the bank, up 2 feet at least, near the bridge by the yellow trail. The whole area is flooded due to an excessive amount of rain. Skillicorn and Federer will take pictures and will report at the next board meeting and make recommendations on what work needs to be done. Southwell suggested looking at the bridge at LVM as an example of potential replacement to enable larger, heavier vehicles to cross for maintenance purposes. We may wish to consider lookinto into grants for a bridge at RTW.
Southwell asked if anyone might know of a neighbor who has a Kubota/Gator or trailer that could be used to haul chips for volunteer days. Training will need to be done on the use of the tractor to enable others to be qualified to use Tractor, Front-Loader to load chips into our trailer for trail maintenance work.
Buffalo Creek Park
Del Rio’s will spot-treat weeds and grass on the trails July 15th.
Countryside FD Field
Del Rio’s has been mowing the field at lower settings. The turf conditions have improved. Del Rio’s was asked to fill in holes, level out lower spots.
Programs and Events – Frystak
Ongoing Programs, Summer Program Updates – Frystak
Frystak reported the first session of summer programs had low enrollment and many of the programs were canceled. Session two is starting the week of July 15th. Days/times of classes were changed. Frystak will be putting up banners to advertise upcoming programs.
Frystak has started planning for the Wicked Woodlands event that will be held October 5th. Volunteers are needed. An article will be submitted for the Stroll Magazine and posts on social media will be done. Frystak will be reaching out to local businesses for sponsorships for the event.
Web Content Accessibility, Initial Scoping – Southwell/Frystak
ADA website compliance: Web content needs to be accessible for hearing/visually challenged individuals. There was a brief discussion on compliance. Frystak stated she was asked and completed preliminary research that she compiled via PowerPoint and would share with the group following the meeting.
Community Engagement/Communications – Healy
Healy submitted an article for the August Stroll magazine; “Prescribed burns bring out wildflowers at RTW.” Frystak will submit an article for the September issues about the Wicked Woodlands event.
Volunteer Activities & Projects; S-USA Projects – Shah/Healy/Skillicorn
Skillicorn is working with an Eagle Scout who is willing to paint the back garage at RTW for their project. The garage door needs to be replaced before it can be painted. Paint/stain will need to be matched to the color on the RTNC building.
Shah would like to schedule a volunteer day to put chips on the trails at RTW. Southwell will work with M. Young to train on the tractor first. Other board members expressed an interest in doing training also.
Strategy/Branding/Constituent Awareness – Southwell
Roadside Property Signage Update
Southwell has been going through old surveys of the Park District properties. Property lines and Right-of-ways are being researched. Southwell will work with S. Young to locate maps, surveys, etc.. Subsequently will work with the Village of LG to obtain permits for signage completion.
Parks, Open Lands Property Management – Healy/Southwell
Updates: RTW, BCP, LVM, L-H, Mit. Area
Village roadside teasel
McGinty will do a second round of treating teasel. They are billing the Village directly for the work being done.
A second teasel treatment was done. The budget is almost depleted for this site.
Mitigation Site
A second teasel treatment was done. The entire budget has been spent.
Longview Meadow
A third stewardship visit was done. Cattails, phragmites, thistle, purple loosestrife were treated. The weedy patch was mowed. Healy will put letters in neighbor’s mailboxes asking if it would be okay if the Park District treated phragmites on their properties.
Tallgrass would like to mow all Canadian Goldenrod at LVM which is the most dominant weed. Healy will need to make sure there is money left in the budget before approving the work.
Reed-Turner Woodland
A third stewardship visit was completed. Poison ivy, thistle, etc., were treated. There is money left in the budget for RTW.
Buffalo Creek Park
A third stewardship visit was completed. Purple loosestrife, cattails, water hemlock were treated.
Old Business
Discussion around updating Rules-of-Use for LGPD Parks and Facilities
Potential Inter-governmental Agreement with D96
Frystak is still waiting for information from District 96 regarding the potential IGA.
Lemmon Hill: Fly-Dumping and Vandalism/Damage Repair options; Shed, Barn, Garage.
Southwell shared pictures of the damage that was done to the baseball shed at LH. [This following the fly-dumping incident in same area.]
Barn: The barn has exposed plywood - with gaps and holes in addition to rot - above the overhead door. Birds and mice are getting into the barn. Southwell would like to close it up to preserve the integrity of the building. Baseball Shed: Southwell had asked M. Young to explore options to replace doors. Additional framing and patching of the floor inside will be required. Pedestrian Doors: The pedestrian doors at the barn and garage need to be replaced to secure the facilities.
M. Young received a proposal from a contractor who can do all of the work for $5200 to $5500. Southwell asked for support from the board to approve and move forward with the repairs.
Motion Made: In the interest of remedying recent vandalism, and in better securing structures and assets at the Lemmon-Hill site, I, James Southwell, move to contract for: purchase and installation of new steel doors for the baseball field shed, purchase and installation of a new steel entry door for the garage, repairs to entry door for the barn, purchase and installation of new door latches, locksets and deadbolts as appropriate to each location, installation of new T111 plywood siding or similar above Barn door and any/all related carpentry to support with an expenditure not to exceed $6,500.00.
Underwood seconded the motion.
Southwell asked for discussion. Wernikoff and Federer suggested having one steel door rather than two that could slide open with possibly less points of failure. Federer also suggested adding skylights as there is no electricity in the shed. After discussion, it was agreed that two swing-doors will be installed to accomplish repair and security objectives at manageable expense.
Motion carried unanimously.
Lemmon Hill: Discussion around Security Signage, Potential Lighting and Security System additions.
Southwell spoke with Wernikoff briefly before the meeting asking for recommendations to prevent future vandalism with lighting and a security system. Wernikoff proposed installing Wyze cameras that are solar powered, battery operated, and will record motion. They do not require Wi-Fi. These could be installed at the Lemmon Hill barn and garage as well as the Reed-Turner parking lot. Wernikoff will do research and send a quote to the board members.
Southwell moved to approve purchase of surveillance equipment as described by Wernikoff, not to exceed $1,000. Skillicorn seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.
L-H: Dumpster Shed Replacement
New Business
Grants. Gauging Board Interest in, Ability to Support, Applications and Management of Potential Projects
Southwell sent an email regarding grants, would like to have a discussion about pursuing grants. Initial thoughts are the Park District is now prepared and set-up with regard to federal requirements. There is a fair amount of work that would be involved. Underwood stated many constituents have expressed an interest in pickleball fields, dog runs. Frystak suggested a nature-related playground at RTW. Southwell asked all to give this more thought and it will be discussed at the next meeting. Healy noted she knows someone who does grant writing and will be sending a proposal/report out
Adjournment of Meeting
Wernikoff moved to adjourn the meeting. Healy seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 7:47 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Stephanie Young, Recording Secretary
Long Grove Park District – Meeting Minutes
June 17, 2024
The meeting was called to order by James Southwell, President, at 6:37 p.m.
Roll Call
Commissioners Present
Healy, Shah, Southwell, Underwood, Wernikoff
Commissioners Absent
Federer, Skillicorn
Stewards & Staff Present
Frystak, S. Young
Members of the Public Present
Meeting Minutes Review/Approval - Southwell
The May 2024 minutes were reviewed. Underwood moved to approve the minutes as presented. Healy seconded the motion. The May 2024 minutes were approved unanimously.
Legal/Intergovernmental – Southwell
Intergovernmental Agreements, activity – State of Il/DOT, VHW, Ela, VOLG, D96
No updates from State of IL/DOT, VHW, Ela, VOLG
Frystak is waiting for a draft IGA from District 96.
FOIA Requests – Young
None received.
Bookkeeping/Chart-of-Accounts Update – Frystak/Young/Healy
Southwell asked Frystak, S. Young, to begin analysis of the FY23-24 budget versus Quickbooks; monthly, YTD. It would be ideal to report budget updates to the board members monthly. Healy noted that the new reporting has been very helpful, easier to read and provides better visibility into spend and current status. All agreed. Southwell asked for input from the Board regarding reports that they would like to see going forward.
Financial Reports –Frystak/Young/Southwell
The financial reports for May 2024 were reviewed and discussed at the meeting. Healy moved to accept the May 2024 financial reports as presented. Shah seconded the motion. The financial reports for May 2024 were accepted unanimously.
President’s Report – Southwell
ComEd Lease Renewal application; Proposal re Lease Application.
Southwell provided photos of the access drive traversing property leased from ComEd into Gridley for review. The renewal application packet has been received earlier. The lease expires July 30, 2024. In response, Southwell provided a written letter of application to ComEd, along with the extensive questionnaires and documentation require along a check for the $1500 review-fee was sent via FedEx on June 17th with the application. Aerial and ground-level photos were emailed also as requested.
IL Grant for RTW Parking Lot, LGPD “SAM” Registration, Reporting and related.
Southwell reported he was finally successful (on the 6th attempt) to change the SAM entity manager to himself. The registration was then able to be accessed, re-built and submitted. The State will now be able to work with LGPD toward reimbursement. Periodic reporting has completed and is up-to-date, as well as an overdue self-audit. The FEIN “payment hold” was resolved on June 17th. Next step will be to complete remaining reporting now accessible and request funds for reimbursement of the grant for the parking lot rehab.
Update: Vision/Numerous New/Potential Projects, Offerings 2024 and beyond.
Reed-Turner Nature Center (RTNC)
M. Young has been cleaning out the back garage. The plan is to bring the tractor over from Lemmon Hill to RTW and will be stored in one of the garages.
A port-a-potty has been installed behind the garage. Will be in-place seasonally, and for the convenience of Visitors to RTW.
The potable water pressure tank was replaced in the wellhouse. Safety and clarity of water provided to RTNC has been much improved.
Replacement of the flagstone walkway in front of RTNC needs to be completed, now that waste-line replacement has been completed. Work will be undertaken when the ground settles.
Two storm doors have been purchased and will be installed (as replacements) in the back room at RTNC.
Longview Meadow (LVM)
Del Rio’s cut and widened the trails.
Lemmon Hill (LH)
Del Rio’s filled in the parking lot potholes with crushed stone.
There has been more fly-dumping by the dumpster, as well as by the barn. The shed behind the barn was broken into, doors were damaged. M. Young called Lake County Sheriff’s office to report the vandalism and met with an officer who filed the report. Southwell contacted Lake County Stars to notify them of the break-in. No Trespassing/No Dumping Signage will be installed. The Board will likely be asked to consider funding/installation of security lighting and video surveillance in attempts to prevent further break-ins, vandalism and dumping.
Countryside Fire Department field at (immediately adjacent/west-of) LH
An agreement is now in place for the Park District to use this field (recently used to grow hay). The hay has been cut and baled. Del Rio’s has high-mowed the field two times. Frystak should be able to use the field for sports programs shortly.
Gridley Ball Field
The turf has been treated and is in good condition. The infield has vegetation growing in it. Sava-lawn will re-treat the infield, followed by rake-out by Del Rio’s. Frystak should be able to use the ball-field for summer programs as needed.
The gate was replaced by M. Young and Del Rio’s. There is new signage on the gate and it has been re-secured. New LGPD locks/combinations have been installed and daisy-chained with Wireless Carrier locks.
Hayrake/Wehrenberg Woods/RTW Trails
Widening and cleanup of the trails has been temporarily deferred. Anticipated to be undertaken in Late July.
Reed-Turner Woodland
The Barbara Turner Memorial foundation construction has been deferred. Southwell, M. Young and Del Rio’s will schedule a date to construct the foundation and later install the memorial.
The tractor has been serviced and needs a new battery. It will be ready to move over to the garage at RT if needed in coming weeks.
Programs and Events - Frystak
Ongoing Programs, --- Program Updates
Summer programs have started. Frystak will be sending out email blasts to promote upcoming classes and will post on social media. Healy suggested reaching out the Village of LG PR person.
Community Engagement/Communications – Healy
There is a 4-page spread about summer programs in the Stroll magazine. For the July issue, an article was submitted; “Living with Geese.” Healy will submit an article for the August issue about prescribed burns.
Volunteer Activities & Projects; S-USA Projects – Shah/Healy/Skillicorn
Shah asked for ideas for volunteer days. Waiting for the tractor to be moved over and then the trails can be chipped. Healy suggested weeding the pollinator garden at BCP, pulling weeds along the paths at BCP and weed whacking paths at Hayrake Trail. Southwell stated he may have Del Rio’s go through to kill weeds/grass on the BCP paths. Volunteers can keep it cleaned up.
Healy signed off on Elizabeth Abraham’s project although was underwhelmed with the work. Frystak spent quite a lot of time setting up the QR codes and having them work correctly. Frystak also set up a Reed-Turner walking tour on the website showing the locations of the different signs. Underwood will write and submit an article about this.
Strategy/Branding/Constituent Awareness – Southwell
Parks, Open Lands Property Management – Healy/Southwell
Updates: RTW, BCP, LVM, L-H, Mit. Area
Mitigation Site
Healy has been tracking Tallgrass spending versus budget. Hours for the mitigation site have been maxed out. Tallgrass treated teasel in April and June.
Buffalo Creek Park
There were two stewardship visits by Tallgrass.
Longview Meadow
Tallgrass cleared brush in the south area and will continue stewardship in the north through the summer.
Reed-Turner Woodland
Tallgrass made two visits to RTW. Poison ivy was sprayed. M. Young trimmed back overgrown trails.
Teasel was treated two times at Gridley.
Roadside Teasel
No grant money was received from the Village of Long Grove. Healy reported that the Village has a new policy regarding grants. They had asked the Park District to pay McGinty directly for roadside teasel treatments and then the Village would reimburse LGPD. After speaking to a board trustee, it was agreed at the last VOLG board meeting that the Village would pay McGinty directly.
Old Business
Discussion around updating Rules-of-Use for LGPD Parks and Facilities
New Business
RTW Stream Bank Scouring
Southwell provided maps showing the location of the stream bank being scoured near the central bridge on the yellow trail. The outside bend is threatening the trail, undercutting it. It was noted that a similar problem had occurred at Longview Meadow by the steel bridge. Southwell asked for volunteers to look at the stream/trail and asked for ideas. There may be a need to reinforce the streambank or move the trail. This will be discussed further at the next board meeting
Lemmon Hill Fly Dumping and Vandalism
Signs have been ordered and will be placed by the garage, barn and dumpster. Southwell will contact Adam Simon about the need for a new ordinance. There is a need to improve security at Lemmon Hill.
Lemmon Hill Dumpster Shed Replacement
Fly dumping is still occurring. Southwell is inclined to rebuild and relocate the dumpster shed. The seasonal port-a-potty (LC Stars) would then be placed by/visually-screened the new shed. Another possibility would be to eliminate the dumpster and put out garbage cans. Lake County Stars would have to remove their trash. Southwell asked for ideas/suggestions. Southwell inclined to install motion-activated lighting up by the barn which could encourage Sherrif’s Patrols to investigate. Video surveillance may also be a advantageous. This will be discussed at the next board meeting.
Adjournment of Meeting
Healy moved to adjourn the meeting. Wernikoff seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 7:54 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Stephanie Young, Recording Secretary
Long Grove Park District – Meeting Minutes
The meeting was called to order by James Southwell, President, at 6:30 p.m.
Roll Call
Commissioners Present
Federer, Healy, Shah, Skillicorn, Southwell, Underwood, Wernikoff
Stewards & Staff Present
Frystak, Young
Members of the Public Present
New, Appointed Commissioner/Board Member
Steve Wernikoff was appointed at the May 2024 meeting to fill the vacancy left by Priya Abraham. Wernikoff took the oath of office and was sworn in as commissioner. He was welcomed to the Board by all.
Meeting Minutes Review/Approval - Southwell
The April 2024 minutes were reviewed. Underwood moved to approve the minutes as presented. Healy seconded the motion. The April 2024 minutes were approved unanimously.
Legal/Intergovernmental – Southwell
Intergovernmental Agreements, activity – State of Il/DOT, VHW, Ela, VOLG, D96
No activity regarding State of IL/DOT, Ela, VHW.
FOIA Requests – Young
None received.
Bookkeeping/Chart-of-Accounts Update – Frystak/Young/Healy
Assistance is needed when categorizing certain expenses in the chart of accounts. Southwell asked that Frystak & S. Young reach out with any questions.
Financial Reports –Frystak/Young/Southwell
The financial reports for April 2024 were reviewed and discussed at the meeting. Healy moved to accept the April 2024 financial reports as presented. Skillicorn seconded the motion. The financial reports for April 2024 were accepted unanimously.
Southwell also asked that Reed-Turner Woodland (RTW) and Reed-Turner Nature Center (RTNC) expenses be broken down into different classes. All agreed this would be beneficial. Board members liked the new classes report that was presented in the April financial reports.
President’s Report – Southwell
ComEd Lease Renewal application. Proposal re: Lease Application.
Southwell is working on the application. There is a $1500 fee to apply. Lease fee has not yet been proposed by ComEd. Provided fee is successfully negotiated, and our application is approved this will extend the lease on the road to Gridley Ballfield and Cell Tower for another 5 years.
IL Grant, LGPD “SAM” Registration, Reporting and related
Southwell has made multiple attempts to update the “SAM” registration and is looking for the correct physical address for LGPD that is in the SAM system. First hurdle will be in attaining FSD/SAM approval of Southwell as Entity Administrator. Second, subsequent hurdles will be to Re-activate our SAM registration which will require re-building it, and getting it through a gauntlet of approvals by a range of Federal Agencies. Subsequently, a request will be made for matching-reimbursement of the IL grant to LGPD.
IL D.O.T. Seeking our agreement to an extended lease/Construction R.O.W. along s side of IL Rt22, w of IL83
IL DOT is no longer seeking support from the Park District. With a change in scope, their plans have been amended. Their work will no longer require an easement or a statement of non-objection from LGPD. Plans for the east side of Route 83 has been terminated. Work on the south side of Route 22 from Route 83 east will move forward.
IL D.O.T. Deed-Over of “Mitigation Property” to LGPD
Southwell will reach out to Adam Simon and Vic Filippini to ask for support from our State Representative in helping move along transferring the title of the mitigation site over to LGPD.
Update: Vision/Numerous New/Potential Projects, Offerings 2024 and beyond.
Reed-Turner Woodland
M. Young is working with Peter Snelton & Sons investigating moving the pressure tank that is in the well house to inside RTNC. Should doing so require substantially more than amount previously approved by this Board, the tank will be replaced in it’s current position.
The RTNC waste line has been replaced and the ground that was excavated will need to settle before flagstones are reset.
Two storm doors at RTNC will be replaced, in scope and on-budget previously approved. M. Young will purchase and have them installed.
A seasonal port-a-potty for RTW Visitor use will be installed. Placement location will be behind the garage at RTW. M. Young is arranging for delivery from Waste Management.
Southwell will be working in June with Del Rio’s Landscaping to excavate, mix and pour cement for a foundation and then place the Barbara Turner Memorial in the woodlands.
Discussion regarding the need for additional equipment to move wood chips onto the trails. Skillicorn and Federer suggested purchasing a dump trailer or front loader. It was decided to investigate moving the tractor at the Lemmon Hill barn to one of the garages at RTW. It has a front loader which may be appropriate for loading chips into Kubota Trailer – for chipping the trails.
Longview Meadow
Trails at LVM will be cut wider by Del Rio’s Landscaping.
Lemmon Hill
Del Rio’s will bring in crushed limestone to fill potholes in the parking lot.
Southwell/M. Young are working on plans for a new dumpster shed and will get proposals for rebuilding the shed in late Summer.
The field west of the baseball diamond at LH is owned by Countryside Fire Department. Southwell would like to work with CFD to use, and will work toward an agreement to allow use of the field for Park District programs. It would need to be mowed to make sure it is suitable for classes.
Gridley Field
The gate at Gridley needs to be replaced. M. Young will look into options for a new gate. The infield needs to be raked. Baseball mix will be brought in for the field, likely in late Summer.
Southwell will scope, Del Rio’s will widen trails at Hayrake Trail and Wehrenberg Woods by mid-July.
Programs and Events - Frystak
Ongoing Programs, --- Program Updates
The Earth Day event was very successful. Ticket sales surpassed expectations; 110 tickets were sold. Frystak received a $500 sponsorship from Club Pilates.
The summer program guide has been posted on the website. It will also be sent to District 96 to post on the virtual backpack. Frystak noted problems with securing space from District 96 at the schools due to building and parking lot construction being done over the summer. Frystak will look into other options.
Wernikoff contacted Chuck Smith, Chief of the Countryside Fire Department, regarding the field west of the Lemmon Hill ball field. Chief Smith was very interested in working with the Park District. He noted that B. Weidner maintains the land, 5 acres. If Mr. Weidner has no objections, then the Fire Department would approve LGPD’s use of the field. Wernikoff offered to have the PD maintain the field. He will follow up with Chief Smith and will report back to Southwell, Frystak and the Board.
The Village of Long Grove owns the property behind Menards where there are soccer fields. Frystak will follow up with the Village to get more information.
Community Engagement/Communications – Healy
An article on phragmites was submitted for May’s Stroll Magazine. Frystak wrote an article for the June issue of Stroll about summer programs and events. Healy needs content for July articles and asked for ideas.
Volunteer Activities & Projects; S-USA Projects – Shah/Healy/Skillicorn
Shah reported having a volunteer day at Buffalo Creek Park on May 11th to clean up the park. Shah noted there are weeds that need to be pulled by the entry to BCP and by the pollinator garden.
The trails at RTW need more wood chips. Shah will schedule work days in the next few weeks. There is still the need to find a way to get the chips to the trails in a timely manner when volunteers are working (reference earlier investigation of potential Tractor use/relocation and potential sourcing of additional Trailer to support moving and placing chips in necessary quantities).
Federer and Skillicorn will be working with college student volunteer, Eleni, to expand the cages on trees along the lake.
Eagle Scout project: Elizabeth Abraham contacted Healy at the eleventh hour of her time as a Scout regarding quickly finishing her tree ID project which has been on the docket for over a year. Abraham would like to install the signs as soon as possible as she is aging out of Scouts. She is yet to identify and mark where the tree i.d. signs go in the Woodland, so Healy is giving her extra support by reaching out to Sarah Schultz to show her where to put the tree i.d. signs near the appropriate trees, and by reaching out to Frystak to help her put the QR-code documents on our Park District platform. She has yet to spec and show the post (with sign) she is using for the signs.
Strategy/Branding/Constituent Awareness – Southwell
Roadside Property Signage Update
Parks, Open Lands Property Management – Healy/Southwell
Updates: RTW, BCP, LVM, L-H, Mit. Area
Stewardship has started at RTW, BCP and LVM. Invasives were treated. There was poison hemlock at LVM.
Teasel at the mitigation site and Gridley was treated two weeks ago. Treatment of Village roadside teasel will start this week. The $10,000 grant check from the Village of Long Grove has not been received yet. Healy will follow up on this.
Old Business
Discussion around updating Rules-of-Use for LGPD Parks and Facilities
Deferred. Southwell asked all board members to review the document that was sent out previously. To be discussed at the next meeting.
Potential Inter-governmental Agreement with D96
Frystak is still waiting to receive information from District 96 regarding the IGA and will follow up with S. Miranda/D96.
New Business
Skillicorn reported a portion of the yellow trail in between the two bridges is scouring. The water from the creek is pulling dirt away from the side which is undermining the trail.
Adjournment of Meeting
Healy moved to adjourn the meeting. Shah seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 8:02 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Stephanie Young, Recording Secretary
Long Grove Park District – Meeting Minutes
April 15, 2024
The meeting was called to order by James Southwell, President, at 6:30 p.m.
Roll Call
Commissioners Present
Healy, Federer, Skillicorn, Southwell, Underwood
Commissioners Absent
Stewards & Staff Present
Frystak, S. Young
Members of the Public Present
Tobin Fraley
Mr. Fraley previously requested having a photography show at Reed-Turner Nature Center (RTNC) in June which was approved. He came to the meeting to thank the board members. He is working on an invitation and asked that it be posted in the kiosk. He will work with Frystak and S. Young for any questions going forward.
Meeting Minutes Review/Approval – Southwell
The March 2024 minutes were reviewed. Healy moved to approve the minutes as presented. Underwood seconded the motion. The March 2024 minutes were approved unanimously.
Legal/Intergovernmental – Southwell
Intergovernmental Agreements, activity – State of Il/DOT, VHW, Ela, VOLG
No updates/activity with Ela Township, Village of Hawthorn Woods, Village of Long Grove.
Frystak followed up with District 96 regarding the pending intergovernmental agreement. D96 is suggesting in lieu of rental fees for classes held at the schools that the Park District will spend a percentage of fees to be determined at the end of the school year on improvements at the schools.
FOIA Requests – S. Young
No FOIA requests were received.
State Financial Reporting 2023 Update – Healy/S. Young
The finalized FY2023 IL annual financial report was electronically filed with the State by Swarztrauber & Co. A signed copy was sent to the Lake County Clerk’s office to be filed.
Bookkeeping/Chart of Accounts Update – Frystak/Healy/ S. Young
Frystak & S. Young have been working on updating the chart of accounts. Frystak will be re-sending the micro group the email with the chart of accounts and budget to review and make any changes necessary before finalizing. This will be done before the next board meeting.
Financial Reports – S. Young/Frystak/Southwell
The financial reports for March 2024 were reviewed and discussed. Healy and Underwood questioned an entry in “Dues, Memberships, Conferences” in the amount of $13,369.88. S. Young noted an invoice for $12,981 was mistakenly attributed to this account and will be re-posted appropriately. The amount/expenditure was for LGPD’s annual insurance payment.
Underwood moved to accept the March financial reports as presented. Skillicorn seconded the motion. The financial reports for March 2024 were accepted unanimously.
Update: RTW/UBS dedicated funds. Transfer to Operations Account funding work accomplished/planned 2020-2024.
Southwell noted funds were moved from the UBS account to PNC Bank to cover Reed-Turner Woodland (RTW) expenses that were paid out of the Operations account over the last 10 years (as approved by the Board of Commissioners earlier). Plan is to move $27, 256.18 from UBS to PNC accounts; $16,000 was moved very recently. The balance of $11,256.18, was pulled from the Fidelity General account temporarily with the intention of reimbursing the Fidelity account from UBS in August when UBS CDs mature.
President’s Report – Southwell
Update: Vision/Potential New Projects, Offerings 2024 and beyond. Focus on Health/Safety
The water supply to RTNC comes from a well/pump system which has suffered from deferred-maintenance. The pressure tank is corroded and needs to be replaced. The plan is to replace the pressure tank and accomplish any maintenance needed to the well house. Southwell would like to move forward with the proposal received. Federer and Skillicorn suggested moving the water tank into the building (RTNC) to prevent need for frost-proofing. Cost and scope of work will be researched, and most-appropriate plan will be executed.
Proposed/Prospective Motion – Further Health and Safety Improvements RTNC 2024, April 15.
I, James Southwell, move to:
1. Authorize the replacement of our fresh/drinking water wellhouse pressure tank, and related work in an amount not to exceed $3,000.
2. Authorize any plumbing, electrical, weatherproofing and freeze-protection repairs and related deemed necessary or appropriate in an amount not to exceed $3,000
Seconded By: Skillicorn
Motion passed unanimously.
Lemmon Hill Dumpster Shed
The dumpster shed needs to be replaced. Southwell stated cost could be $10,000-$15,000.
Gridley Farm
The gate at Gridley Farm needs to be replaced.
ComEd Lease Renewal Application
No updates. Southwell asked for assistance with working on the lease paperwork. The lease expires July 31st.
IL Grant, LGPD “SAM” Registration and related
Southwell reported he made a fifth attempt to change the entity administrator contact to himself with no resolution. The Federal Service Desk replied stating the legal business address does not match what is recorded in SAM.gov. He will continue to work on updating the registration.
IL D.O.T. Request for our determination of De Minimis impact regarding plans for “improvements” at IL22/83. IL D.O.T. Deed-Over of “Mitigation Property” to LGPD
IL D.O.T. recently sent a lease agreement to LGPD. An easement is needed along Route 22 near Stonehaven temporarily for construction purposes. Southwell will contact Adam Simon asking that he reach out to Vic Filippini to concurrently resolve issues with IL DOT improvements as well as title transfer for the mitigation property. Senator McConchie has expressed an interest in helping the Village of Long Grove to resolve the title transfer as well.
Programs and Events - Frystak
Ongoing programs update/Spring 2024 Event
The Earth Day Celebration is Saturday, April 20th, at RTW. Ticket sales are going well, 70 have been sold so far. There will be a craft fair, guided nature hikes, a birding station in the woodlands, owl presentation and much more. Frystak noted that Club Pilates donated $1500 for sponsorship of upcoming events.
The summer programs are being finalized and will be posted on the website by the end of the month.
Community Engagement/Communications – Healy
An article on teasel was submitted for the April Stroll magazine. The May magazine will have an article about phragmites. Healy asked for suggestions on new content for future write-ups. Frystak will write an article about summer programs and events to submit to June Stroll ad VOLG e-newsletter.
BSA Projects/Volunteer Activities – Healy/Shah/Skillicorn
BSA Projects
Elizabeth Abraham reported to Healy that she is waiting on a few of the tree documents from scouts. Healy told her to make sure that any photos used are copyright free, and to make sure that the documents are written in the scout’s word versus copying. Elizabeth will go to Home Depot or another store to look into stakes for the tree ID signs.
Strategy/Branding/Constituent Awareness – Southwell
Roadside Property Signage
No updates.
Parks, Open Lands Property Management – Healy/Southwell
Updates: RTW, BCP, LVM, LH, Gridley, Mitigation area
All Key Properties
Healy noted that strategic special work of prescribed burns, high mows and brush clearing was completed at RTW, BCP, LVM and Gridley. First stewardship visit is scheduled for this week for RTW, BCP, LVM, Gridley and Mitigation.Hayrake Trail
Healy noted that a plan is needed for path maintenance. Southwell said he would handle.
Reed-Turner Woodland
The trails at RTW need to have chips put down to prevent erosion. Discussion followed on how to move large quantities of chips to the trails. Healy, Federer and Skillicorn will look into options.
Roadside Teasel
Healy met with McGinty Bros. to go over expectations. First roadside treatment will be the first week of May.
Old Business
Discussion around updating Rules-Of-Use for LGPD parks and facilities
Southwell sent out a spreadsheet listing all of the properties/facilities with prospective rules for use. He asked that all review and get back to him with any thoughts or suggestions. To be discussed at next board meeting.
Proposed Seasonal Rental/Installation of Porta-Potty at RTW
Southwell will touch base with M. Young on where to place the porta-potty.
New Business
There is an open seat on the Park District board after Priya Abraham’s resignation. There was a brief discussion on a candidate being considered for nomination.
Nomination of New LGPD Board Member
Recognizing the earlier resignation of Priya Abraham, by her correspondence informing the Officers of the Long Grove Park District that she is no longer able to serve, and the subsequent Open Commissioner Position, I, Angela Underwood, move to nominate Steve Wernikoff of 1531 Sumter Lane, Long Grove, Illinois, to the Office of Commissioner of the Long Grove Park District for either the balance of the unserved Term, or until the next scheduled election of Commissioners, whichever occurs first.
Seconded By: Skillicorn
Roll Call Vote: Federer-aye, Healy-aye, Skillicorn-aye, Southwell-aye, Underwood-aye.
Motion carried unanimously.
Adjournment of Meeting
Healy moved to adjourn the meeting. Underwood seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 8:03 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Stephanie Young, Recording Secretary
Long Grove Park District – Meeting Minutes
March 14, 2024
The meeting was called to order by James Southwell, President, at 6:34 p.m.
Roll Call
Commissioners Present
Healy, Skillicorn, Southwell
Shah and Underwood joined the meeting via Zoom.
Commissioners Absent
Federer, Excused.
Stewards & Staff Present
Frystak, S. Young
Members of the Public Present
Meeting Minutes Review/Approval – Southwell
The February 2024 minutes were reviewed. Underwood moved to approve the minutes as presented. Healy seconded the motion. The February 2024 minutes were approved unanimously.
Legal/Intergovernmental – Southwell
Intergovernmental Agreements, activity – State of Il/DOT, VHW, Ela, VOLG
No updates/activity on IL/DOT, Ela Township, Village of Hawthorn Woods, Village of Long Grove, IGA with District 96.
FOIA Requests – S. Young
No FOIA requests were received.
State Financial Reporting 2023 Approval Vote – Healy/S. Young
Healy presented the FY2023 IL annual financial report that was prepared by Swarztrauber & Co. with significant assistance from Staff and J Healy, along with a report summarizing transactions and highlighted items. Discussion followed, with all questions addressed.
Proposed Acceptance of and Approval to Submit LGPD Annual Financial Filing with the State of Illinois
I, Roy Skillicorn, move to accept the annual 2023 financial report prepared by Swartztrauber & Co. as arranged and presented by Janet Healy, as well as to authorize its timely submittal to the State of Illinois.
Seconded by: Underwood
A roll call vote was taken: Healy-aye, Shah-aye, Skillicorn-aye, Southwell-aye, Underwood-aye. Motion carried unanimously.
Bookkeeping/Chart of Accounts Update – Frystak/S. Young/Healy
Frystak presented a review of Quickbooks and chart of accounts. The chart of accounts has been cleaned up, organized and is now aligned with the LGPD Budget Outline, and with the FY23-24 budget specifically. Going forward, financial reporting will be more efficient to produce and easier to understand - month over month and year over year. The operations account and recreation account have been merged into one account in QB. Underwood and Shah noted the reports were easier to read and understand. Shah reported meeting with a volunteer QB expert a few weeks ago with S. Young to provide advice on updating QB. If more help is needed in the future the volunteer would be willing to advise.
Financial Reports – S. Young/Frystak/Southwell
The financial reports for December 2023 were reviewed and discussed. Healy moved to accept the December financial reports as presented. Skillicorn seconded the motion. The financial reports for December 2023 were accepted unanimously.
The financial reports for January 2024 were reviewed and discussed. Healy moved to accept the January financial reports as presented. Underwood seconded the motion. The financial reports for January 2024 were accepted unanimously.
The financial reports for February 2024 were reviewed and discussed. Healy moved to accept the February financial reports as presented. Skillicorn seconded the motion. The financial reports for February 2024 were accepted unanimously.
Proposal: RTW/UBS dedicated funds. Transfer to Operations Account funding work accomplished/planned 2020-2024.
Southwell noted the purpose of funds in the UBS account were provided by Barbara Turner for Reed-Turner Woodland conservation, preservation and management. Amounts generally aligned with interest income produced, were to have been drawn yearly to assist in defraying maintenance expenses, but this has not been done in many years. Expenses have been paid exclusively from the LGPD operations account for nearly a decade (perhaps longer). Southwell proposed transferring money from the UBS account to PNC Bank to replenish funds and to use for 2024 work at RTW. He suggested to draw the greater of $3000 or total interest paid in each of the past five years, to partially reimburse the operations account for maintenance expenses paid. Southwell asked for input from commissioners. Discussion was held. All agreed and were supportive of the proposal.
Proposed/Prospective Motion – RTW and Funds Transfer
I, James Southwell, move that:
1. The funds currently residing in the LGPD UBS Account are dedicated to financially support and maintain Reed-Turner Woodland (RTW), and that
2. The LGPD has invested significantly in maintenance, conservation and preservation efforts over the past five years to do so, primarily spending from our Operations Account, rather than the UBS Account, and that
3. It would be beneficial to the ongoing financial position of LGPD to replenish the Operations Account by way of transferring a significant fraction of expenses for work accomplished at RTW in the past four fiscal years and to support work planned in the current Fiscal Year,
An amount totaling: the greater of ($3,000 or total Interest Earned), in each of 19/20, 20/21, 21/22, 22/23and 23/24 Fiscal Years be withdrawn from the UBS Account and Deposited in the LGPD Operations/Current Checking Account.
Seconded By: Skillicorn
A roll call vote was taken: Healy-aye, Shah-aye, Skillicorn-aye, Southwell-aye, Underwood-aye. Motion carried unanimously.
UBS account - Healy
Healy reported a UBS CD came due 3/6/24. Purchased new $125,000 CD that matures on 3/12/25. Rate is 5.15%. We now have CDs coming due in August 2024, November 2024 and March 2025.
President’s Report – Southwell
Vision/Potential New Projects, Offerings 2024 and beyond. Proposal re: Health/Safety
There are a number of fallen trees, at multiple properties after the recent tornado that passed-over Long Grove and the surrounding area. Residents from Herons Creek, Wehrenberg Woods and Royal Melbourne contacted the Park District office to report fallen trees/branches. M. Young is working with Woody’s Tree Service to remove trees and clear paths at RTW.
Lemmon Hill Dumpster Shed
The dumpster shed needs to be replaced before the baseball season starts.
Sewage line at RTW
The sewage line in front of the building at RTW was scoped and damage was found. The line is collapsing. Cost to repair this will likely be $6,000. M. Young has gotten quotes for the work. Flagstones will need to be pulled out while the work is being done.
Wood storm doors at RTNC
One pane of plate glass on the front door was broken. M. Young obtained several quotes to replace the 8 plate glass sections with tempered glass. Cost will be approximately $550. The plan is to maintain the historic look while making the door safer. There are 2 other doors that will need to be completely replaced as well.
Proposed/Prospective Motion – Health and Safety Improvements RTNC 2024
I, James Southwell, move to:
1. Authorize the replacement of panes currently in the Front Entrance Storm Door with Safety Glass, and related work in an amount NTE $1,000.
2. Authorize the replacement of Two Exterior Doors with appropriate closers, latches and related in an amount NTE $2,000
3. Authorize the removal and replacement of the failed waste line from the RTNC to Septic Tank, and any related work in an amount NTE $8,000.
Seconded By: Healy
A roll call vote was taken: Healy-aye, Shah-aye, Skillicorn-aye, Southwell-aye, Underwood-aye. Motion carried unanimously.
ComEd Lease Renewal Application
No progress has been made as of the time of the meeting.
IL Grant, LGPD “SAM” Registration and related
Southwell reported he has been going back and forth with the SAM registration and will need to submit another authorization to take over Administrative Responsibility of the account from Kent Tinnuci and get it reactivated. An approval should be received in the next 2 weeks.
IL D.O.T. Request for our determination of De Minimis impact regarding plans for “improvements” at IL22/83.
No updates.
IL D.O.T. Deed-Over of “Mitigation Property” to LGPD
No updates.
Programs and Events - Frystak
Ongoing programs update/Spring 2024 Event
Frystak reported programs are going well. The Long Grove Explorers class started today. Frystak is working with 5 Star Sports, Hot Shots and Hawthorn Woods on summer programs.
Earth Day Celebration: The vendor application process has been closed. There are 21 artisans signed up to participate at the event. A group of volunteers from Chicago Botanic Gardens will set up a birding station in the woodlands. Another group will lead hikes on the trails. There is a need to help spread the word about the event. Frystak and S. Young will hand out flyers to Long Grove businesses in early April.
Community Engagement/Communications – Healy
The March Stroll magazine and Long Grove Bridge will have articles about the Earth Day Celebration event. Underwood will submit an article about spring wildflowers at RTW for the April Stroll issue. "Eliminate Teasel on Your Property" will run in the April Stroll Long Grove. A trustee at the Long Grove Village board meeting suggested writing an educational article about phragmites. Healy will look into this.
BSA Projects/Volunteer Activities – Healy/Shah/Skillicorn
BSA Projects
Healy has not received any updates from Elizabeth Abraham on the tree ID signs project.
Strategy/Branding/Constituent Awareness – Southwell
Roadside Property Signage
No updates.
Parks, Open Lands Property Management – Healy/Southwell
Updates: RTW, BCP, LVM, LH, Mitigation area
Reed-Turner Woodland
Tallgrass did a prescribed burn at RTW on March 13th.
Buffalo Creek Park
Tallgrass did a prescribed burned at Buffalo Creek Park a few weeks ago.
Longview Meadow
Tallgrass spent one day clearing overgrown brush and weedy trees in the South section before and after the bridge, and they burned the brush piles. They mowed the prairie upland in the North section.
Gridley Field
Tallgrass mowed under the power lines. They will hit the teasel in mid-spring.
The Village of Long Grove approved the $10,000 grant for teasel treatment. Healy will be meeting with McGinty Bros., Inc. to go over the plans.
Old Business
Discussion around updating Rules-Of-Use for LGPD parks and facilities
Proposed Seasonal Rental/Installation of Porta-Potty at RTW
Potential Intergovernmental Agreement with D96
Tobin Fraley contacted Underwood again regarding the possibility of using RTNC for an exhibit of photographs that he has taken at RTW. He would like to have the show in May or June. S. Young will check the calendar for open dates. Mr. Fraley offered to give the Park District a portion of the sales. Underwood will follow up with dates, information.
New Business
Adjournment of Meeting
Skillicorn moved to adjourn the meeting. Healy seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 7:54 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Stephanie Young, Recording Secretary
Long Grove Park District – Meeting Minutes
February 7, 2024
The meeting was called to order by James Southwell, President, at 6:31 p.m.
Roll Call
Commissioners Present
Healy, Shah, Skillicorn, Southwell
Federer and Underwood joined the meeting via Zoom.
Stewards & Staff Present
S. Young
Members of the Public Present
Meeting Minutes Review/Approval – Southwell
The January 2024 minutes were reviewed. Healy moved to approve the minutes as presented. Underwood seconded the motion. The January 2024 minutes were approved unanimously.
Financial Reports – Young/Southwell
The financial reports for December 2023 were reviewed and discussed. Healy had questions regarding the profit and loss statement and expenses under property maintenance land account. After discussion, it was decided that an expert in Quickbooks/accounting was needed to review the current chart of accounts and day-to-day processes with the thought that updates to our processes would be beneficial. Southwell emphasized that the Park District must be able to provide easily understandable Financial Reports and be confident in explaining all financial transactions.
Healy moved to Table review of the December financial reports until the next board meeting. Skillicorn seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.
The financial reports for January 2024 were reviewed and discussed. Healy had questions about payments made from the UBS account that were not listed in the check register. (These were added as general journal entries). Healy stated she would like the UBS account added to QB as another bank account. All were in favor of moving recording and reporting of all transactions, regardless of fund locations, within Quickbooks. A thorough review of the potential to utilize the full capabilities of Quickbooks (for bookkeeping, accounting and Financial Reporting) will be undertaken by Staff and Board Members. Proposed approach and improvements will be forwarded to the full Board for review and subsequently discussed further with the accountant.
Skillicorn moved to table review of the January financial reports until the next board meeting. Shah seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.
UBS account - Healy
Healy contacted UBS to access the account online and will provide S. Young end of the month statements.
There are two CDs coming due in March. Healy will discuss laddering approach with UBS and will send information to board members. It was agreed that the CDs should be 6 months to 24 months duration and no more.
Illinois 2023 Annual Financial Report
Healy is working with Swarztrauber & Co. to prepare this report. It is due at the end of February. S. Young will provide information requested by the accounting firm.
Chart of Accounts Draft/Proposal - Southwell
Southwell previously provided an initial draft of an improved chart of accounts, built off the budget planner. He noted that he would like to see a breakdown and separation of accounts; operations and recreation. Shah stated she may have a volunteer who could come in and review how QB is set up. She will follow up with S. Young and Frystak to schedule a meeting.
Legal/Intergovernmental – Southwell
Intergovernmental Agreements, activity – State of Il/DOT, VHW, Ela, VOLG
No updates on IL/DOT, Ela Township, Village of Hawthorn Woods, Village of Long Grove, IGA with District 96.
FOIA Requests – Young
No FOIA requests were received.
Programs and Events - Frystak
Ongoing programs update/Spring 2024 Event
Frystak provided a report on the Earth Day Celebration event scheduled Saturday, April 20th. She is securing partners and sponsors for the event and would like approval on a budget for the event, $750. Any suggestions and ideas would be appreciated.
Frystak attended the IAPD/IPRA conference January 25-26 and participated in six sessions.
Community Engagement/Communications – Healy
The February Long Grove e-newsletter will run an article Frystak wrote regarding a new loyalty program for recreation programs. The March Stroll magazine will feature an article on the Earth Day Celebration event. Articles are needed for April issues. Underwood will submit an article about spring wildflowers.
BSA Projects/Volunteer Activities – Healy/Shah/Skillicorn
BSA Projects
Elizabeth Abraham provided Healy with a sample of the sign she will be using for the tree ID project at RTW. She is developing content and photos for the QR code on the signs. Healy will review before finalizing the project and placing throughout RTW.
Volunteer Activities
Shah would like to schedule a work day for placing chips on the trails at RTW and cleanup at LGPD properties. These will be scheduled in late March, early April.
Strategy/Branding/Constituent Awareness – Southwell
Roadside Property Signage Update
No update on signage.
President’s Report – Southwell
“SAM” Number and related Governmental Registrations
Southwell reported he has made several attempts and considerable time trying to get a new SAM registration. An extension of grant reimbursement timing has been requested by the Park District.
IL D.O.T. Request for our determination of De Minimis impact regarding plans for “improvements” at IL22/83.
No update. No response has been received from IL D.O.T.
IL D.O.T. Deed-Over of “Mitigation Property” to LGPD
No update. As previously mentioned at the last board meeting, Bill Jacobs, Village of Long Grove, suggested VOLG/LGPD contact the State Representative in coming months to help move this along.
ComEd Lease Renewal Application
The lease application will need to be completed as soon as possible. This is to extend the right to utilize the road on ComEd property for access to the Gridley ball field and cell tower site.
Parks, Open Lands Property Management – Healy/Southwell
Healy noted contracts for 2024 have been signed.
Longview Meadow
Healy met with Tallgrass to discuss work that needs to be done. Tallgrass will do clearing by the southern-entrance. There are a lot of invasives and buckthorn that need to be removed, approximately 20 feet on either side of the path. There is also considerable growth past the bridge that needs to be cleaned up. TG will cut and either burn or pull out invasives. Healy suggested burning as it will be less expensive.
Reed-Turner Woodland
Volunteers had a work day at RTW to clean up the east woods.
Buffalo Creek Park
A burn plan was signed with Tallgrass for BCP.
Roadside Teasel
Healy submitted a grant application for teasel treatment to the Village of Long Grove for 2024 in the amount of $10,000. LGPD understanding with VOLG is that they will also pay to cover expenses exceeding the $10,000 Grant, not to exceed the $18,000 quote. LGPD will contract with McGinty Brothers for teasel treatment.
Old Business
Discussion around updating strategy for public use of facilities
Southwell sent out a draft outline of site use considerations for LGPD properties. Discussion of what would and would not be acceptable; alcohol, glass containers, smoking as several examples. Southwell will update the draft and will forward for review prior to the next meeting. An ordinance will be needed to post signs at properties with items that are not allowed.
Discussion around potential support for/participation in, Parking Lot rebuild/expansion adjacent to Buffalo Creek Park
No updates.
Potential Intergovernmental Agreement with D96
Southwell and Frystak will develop an IGA to present to District 96.
New Business
Underwood was contacted by Tobin Fraley recently. He would like to hold an exhibit of photographs he has taken at RTW. Mr. Fraley noted he would be willing to donate a portion of the sales to the Park District. Discussion was held. No one was opposed. Underwood will reach out to Mr. Fraley to let him know LGPD may be interested provided agreement can be reached around details of the event.
Adjournment of Meeting
Healy moved to adjourn the meeting. Skillicorn seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 8:15 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Stephanie Young, Recording Secretary
Long Grove Park District – Meeting Minutes
January 8, 2024
The meeting was called to order by James Southwell, President, at 6:34 p.m.
Roll Call
Commissioners Present
Healy, Skillicorn, Southwell
Federer and Underwood joined the meeting via Zoom.
Commissioners Absent
Abraham, Shah
Stewards & Staff Present
Frystak, S. Young
Members of the Public Present
Meeting Minutes Review/Approval - Southwell
The December 2023 minutes were reviewed. Healy moved to approve the minutes as presented. Skillicorn seconded the motion. The December 2023 minutes were approved unanimously.
Financial Reports – Young/Southwell
The financial reports for December 2023 were reviewed and discussed at the meeting. Healy questioned the ending balance for the UBS account. Young noted it was incorrect as stated due to conflicts in how the UBS website displays account position. The financial reports will be updated with accurate numbers. Healy will contact UBS to resolve and reconcile.
Healy moved to postpone any acceptance of the December financial reports until the next board meeting. Skillicorn seconded the motion.
Chart of Accounts Draft/Proposal - Southwell
Southwell circulated his initial thoughts regarding the chart of accounts, built off the budget planner. Visibility into where and how money is spent is very important. Southwell will work with Healy, Frystak and Young to continue the project. Southwell asked if there were any concerns, there were none.
Legal/Intergovernmental – Southwell
Intergovernmental Agreements, activity – State of Il/DOT, VHW, Ela, VOLG
No activity with IGA, State of IL, Ela Township, Hawthorn Woods.
FOIA Requests – Young
No FOIA requests were received.
Programs and Events - Frystak
Ongoing programs update
Frystak presented the final results for Fall 2023. Registrations have been going up. Surveys are being sent out at the end of each program session for feedback. The Session with Santa was a great success. Pictures of the event were provided. Winter programs are starting within the next week or two. New programs added; Family Fun Night, Men’s Basketball league, 4v4 soccer.
Frystak will be working on a spring event and will present ideas at the February meeting.
Community Engagement/Communications – Healy
The January Stroll magazine will feature: “Fun and Games with the Park District in 2024.” For February’s Stroll, Underwood submitted an article: “Hidden History Behind Open Spaces”, about Lemmon Hill and Longview Meadow and what happened decades ago before the properties became open spaces. Frystak submitted photos from the Sessions with Santa event for a holiday collage.
BSA Projects/Volunteer Activities – Healy/Shah/Skillicorn
Elizabeth Abraham contacted Healy regarding her scout project. She sent a picture of the QR code/tree ID example for the project. There are 15 trees that will be identified at Reed-Turner Woodland. Healy stated it should be green or brown. This was discussed and all were in favor of having it be brown. Healy will follow up with Abraham.
A college student contacted the Park District about wanting to volunteer for the PD during the summer break. Healy reached out to the student to discuss ideas; trimming back trails at Hayrake Trail or Reed Turner, working on the beaver cages around trees, etc. Skillicorn offered to work with this volunteer when the time comes.
Strategy/Branding/Constituent Awareness – Southwell
Roadside Property Signage Update
Healy and Southwell attended the Village Architectural meeting to discuss permitting, setbacks and appearance of the signs. The members of the committee approved the design and were very complimentary. The chair person asked to resolve the constituent’s complaints at the meeting. Mr. Finch asked that the sign near Buffalo Creek Park be moved 3 to 4 feet west of the trail and offered to pay for the expenses involved with moving the sign. After the meeting, Finch contacted Southwell, saying he would lift his objection to the placement of the sign. An update on placement approval will be given at the next board meeting.
President’s Report – Southwell
“SAM” Number and related Governmental Registrations
The grant for the parking lot renovation expires at the end of December. Southwell asked for an extension to finalize the grant and receive payment.
IL D.O.T. Request for our determination of De Minimis impact regarding plans for “improvements” at IL22/83.
No response has been received from IL D.O.T.
IL D.O.T. Deed-Over of “Mitigation Property” to LGPD
Bill Jacobs, Village of Long Grove, suggested VOLG/LGPD contact the State Representative to help motivate the IDOT deed-over of the mitigation property.
Vision/potential new projects, offerings 2024 and beyond
Southwell presented a working draft of potential projects, vision for the Park District in 2024; fire pit at Lemmon Hill, port-a-potty at RTW and LH, small courts for pickleball at LH, extend Hayrake trail, acquisition of IDOT mitigation property and more. Healy suggested adding a playground due to the younger demographic of new citizens moving to Long Grove. These will be discussed at the next meeting.
Potential attendance at IAPD/IPRA Annual Conference, January 25-27, in Chicago.
Information regarding the upcoming IAPD/IPRA annual conference and meetings listing potential sessions of interest was provided. Southwell is planning on attending and suggested Frystak might also attend. All were in favor of the Park District paying for fees of seminars.
Re-up Lease with ComEd
The lease with ComEd is expiring at the end of July. The lease is for the right to utilize the road into the ball field at Gridley and Cell Tower site. Significant documentation will need to be filled out and returned. There is a $1500 review fee which is non-negotiable.
Parks, Open Lands Property Management – Healy/Southwell
Reed-Turner Woodlands
Tallgrass cleared brush on the green trail and was either burned by the trail or moved to the burn site by the butterfly garden.
Roadside Teasel
Tallgrass will not be treating teasel along the roadsides going forward. Lake County Forest Preserves gave Healy a list of providers who would do roadside work. Bids were received. Healy recommended working with McGinty Brothers in Long Grove. Healy submitted a grant request for teasel removal to the Village of Long Grove for 2024 in the amount of $13,500 and is awaiting a response.
Old Business
Discussion around updating strategy for public use of facilities
Southwell is working on finalizing the plan and will circulate a draft to be reviewed and then will bring it before the Board to approve.
Proposed Seasonal Rental/Installation of Porta-Potty at RTW (discussion for consideration only)
Southwell will ask M. Young to look for potential locations at RTW that would be somewhat out of sight and easily accessible for maintenance.
Discussion around potential support for/participation in, Parking Lot rebuild/expansion adjacent to B. C. Park
No further updates. Bill Jacob/Village of LG was notified that the Park District is agreeable to the plans as currently understood from the Business Group, with certain conditions.
Potential Intergovernmental Agreement with D96
Southwell will work with Frystak to develop a plan to present to District 96.
New Business
Motion to Enter Closed Session
By: Healy
Seconded: Skillicorn
Closed Session entered at 7:49 p.m.
Returned to Open-Session at 7:53 p.m.
I move to recognize and reward the exceptional efforts contributed and results achieved by our three part-time, hourly employees in 2023 with a combination of Merit-Increases and one-time, cash bonuses. Specifically, Merit increases of 5.0% on hourly rates for S. Young, M. Young and A. Frystak in 2024, and Bonuses of 8% of each employee’s gross/base 2023 wages (dollar amounts calculated by multiplying each employee’s 2023 hourly rate x hours worked in 2023 x 0.08). Bonuses thus amounting to: $1,141.14 for S. Young, $973.46 for M. Young and $2,095.54 for A Frystak. (All amounts Gross). Further recognizing exceptional results in planning, marketing and start-up of our Programs and Events offerings, awarding an additional bonus of $1,000 (Gross) to A. Frystak.
Motion Made By: Healy
Seconded By: Skillicorn
Roll-Call Ballot:
Abraham: Absent
Federer: Yes
Healy: Yes
Shah: Absent
Skillicorn: Yes
Southwell: Yes
Underwood: Yes
Adjournment of Meeting
Healy moved to adjourn the meeting. Skillicorn seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 7:55 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Stephanie Young, Recording Secretary
Long Grove Park District – Meeting Minutes
December 11, 2023
The meeting was called to order by James Southwell, President, at 6:32 p.m.
Roll Call
Commissioners Present
Federer, Healy, Skillicorn, Southwell, Underwood (Skillicorn left at 7:15)
Commissioners Absent
Abraham, Shah
Stewards & Staff Present
S. Young
Members of the Public Present
Meeting Minutes Review/Approval - Southwell
The November 2023 minutes were reviewed. Healy moved to approve the minutes with one minor
change made. Skillicorn seconded the motion. The November 2023 minutes were approved
Financial Reports – Young/Southwell
The financial reports for November 2023 were reviewed and discussed at the meeting. Underwood
moved to accept the November financial reports as presented. Skillicorn seconded the motion. The
financial reports for November 2023 were accepted unanimously.
Accounting, Bookkeeping/Quickbooks strategy - Healy/Young/Frystak
Frystak was not at the meeting to discuss. Southwell asked if there were any immediate concerns to
discuss. There were none. An update will be provided at the January meeting.
Legal/Intergovernmental – Southwell
Intergovernmental Agreements, activity – State of Il/DOT, VHW, Ela, VOLG
No updates. There has been no activity regarding the mitigation property transfer. The contact at IL
DOT is no longer there. Southwell will reach out to Bill Jacob/Village of Long Grove to make him aware
that the Park District is not holding up work at Route 22/83 and to provide an update on
communications between the Park District and IL DOT.
Southwell and Frystak will meet to develop an Intergovernmental Agreement for District 96 regarding
use of spaces at the schools for Park District programs.
FOIA Requests – Young
None received.
Programs and Events - Frystak
Frystak provided an update prior to the meeting. Healy presented the information to the board
members. The “Sessions with Santa” on December 2 nd was sold out. There were 24 families who
participated. This was held at the gazebo in Buffalo Creek Park.
Fall programs will be completed by mid-December. Winter/early spring programs have been posted and
registrations are being accepted. Fall financials will be provided at the next board meeting.
Community Engagement/Communications – Healy
Articles were submitted to Stroll and The Bridge; “Fun & Games with the Park District in 2024” and “Fun
Facts about Long Grove Park District.” Healy asked for ideas for the February Stroll magazine.
BSA Projects/Volunteer Activities – Healy/Skillicorn/Shah
Healy spoke to Rick Boardman, scout leader, regarding replacing trail signs that were stolen or damaged.
They are working towards having them done by the spring. Tamper-proof signs would be ideal.
Healy has not had any further contact with E. Abraham regarding her Eagle Scout project.
Strategy/Branding/Constituent Awareness – Southwell
Healy has been working with the Village of Long Grove to get more information on permits, architectural
review, distances from property lines and will ask for requirements to possibly be waived. Healy and
Southwell will attend the December 18 th VOLG Architectural Commission meeting to provide information
about the new Park District’s property signage.
President’s Report – Southwell
“SAM” Number and related Governmental Registrations
Southwell will be making phone calls this week to follow up on the submission made almost a year ago.
Reporting has been updated and sent to the State. The grant expires at the end of December. An
extension may be needed to finalize the grant and receive payment.
IL D.O.T. Request for our determination of De Minimis impact re their plans for “improvements” at
No recent contact from IL DOT. The Park District’s concerns and suggestions were submitted in
IL D.O.T. Deed-Over of “Mitigation Property” to LGPD
No updates.
Parks, Open Lands Property Management – Healy/Southwell
M. Young has completed winterizing the Lemmon Hill pump. The septic tank and well house were
serviced at Reed-Turner. The line to the septic tank may need to be replaced. Quotes will be obtained.
Work to be done in the spring if required. Scoping the line will be done prior.
Healy reported Tallgrass was clearing brush by the pump house down to the creek at RTW. They are
watching for good weather to do a burn in the next week or two.
Healy reviewed the management plan for 2024 with Southwell. Plans include a burn at Buffalo Creek
Park, last burn there was 3 years ago, and high mowing at Longview Meadow by Tallgrass in the north
section. Southwell suggested brush clearing from the road at Oak Grove Rd to allow residents to hike in
LVM. Tallgrass will clear a path and will provide a quote. Work at Gridley Field to include high mowing
under the power lines, trails to be improved. At RTW, burning and brush clearing. Healy stated this all
should be under the amount budgeted for FY23/24; $45,000. Healy will apply for another grant from
the Village of Long Grove for teasel removal along Village, County, State roadsides as in past years.
Old Business
Discussion around updating strategy for Public-Use of Facilities
The draft rental agreement was briefly discussed at the meeting. Southwell will be in contact with
Frystak to discuss further and make changes. The updated agreement will be presented at the next
board meeting.
Proposed Replacement of failing fence, Trail re-alignment, related clean-up at BCP (along RPC Road, W
of Bridge)
The fence at BCP along Robert Parker Coffin Rd is rotted out, falling down and needs to be replaced.
Southwell would like to line up the trails from BCP, over the bridge, close to the Historical Society
building. The fence will need to be redesigned. Healy stated she would like to have an arbor installed.
Plan will be to replace the fence in the spring/summer of 2024.
Proposed Seasonal Rental/Installation of Porta-Potty at RTW (initial discussion for consideration only
Briefly discussed. All were in favor of placing a porta-potty at RTW, more than likely by the garage. It
will need to be accessible for service.
New Business
Discussion around potential support for/participation in, Parking Lot rebuild/expansion adjacent to B. C.
Southwell and Underwood met with Ryan Messner to review plans for the prospective parking lot
project behind neighboring businesses and adjacent to BCP, making it a municipal parking lot.
Messner’s current vision is that VOLG would undertake engineering and provide substantial financial
support for the project. Public toilets would be installed. The Park District would negotiate and seek to
have dedicated parking, and formal/deeded service-vehicle access to BCP. More information to follow.
Adjournment of Meeting
Underwood moved to adjourn the meeting. Federer seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned
at 8:02 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Stephanie Young, Recording Secretary
Long Grove Park District – Meeting Minutes
November 13, 2023
The meeting was called to order by James Southwell, President, at 6:33 p.m.
Roll Call
Commissioners Present
Federer, Healy, Shah, Skillicorn, Southwell, Underwood
Commissioners Absent
Stewards & Staff Present
Frystak, S. Young
Members of the Public Present
Meeting Minutes Review/Approval - Southwell
The September 2023 minutes were reviewed. Underwood moved to approve the minutes as presented. Healy seconded the motion. The September 2023 minutes were approved unanimously.
Financial Reports – Young/Southwell
The financial reports for September 2023 were reviewed and discussed at the meeting. All questions were answered. Healy moved to accept the September financial reports as presented. Underwood seconded the motion. The financial reports for September 2023 were accepted unanimously.
The financial reports for October 2023 were reviewed and discussed. Underwood moved to accept the October financial reports as presented. Skillicorn seconded the motion. The financial reports for October 2023 were accepted unanimously.
Accounting, Bookkeeping/Quickbooks strategy - Healy/Young/Southwell
Southwell will meet with Frystak and S. Young to discuss chart of accounts and reporting. Discussion regarding having the budget tied to Quickbooks. Federer and Healy stated they would like to attend the meeting.
Healy reported that a $70,000 CD came due on 11/9/23. Put $20,000 in core savings account paying 4.5%; $50,000 in a 12 month CD paying 5.5%. UMass 5 College Fed Credit Union. NCUA Insured. Same security as FDIC insured. Matures 11/22/24.
Legal/Intergovernmental – Southwell
Intergovernmental Agreements, activity – State of Il/DOT, VHW, Ela, VOLG
Southwell reported he has had no contact with the IL DOT representative regarding the mitigation property and Route 22 & 83 improvements after contacting them with the Park District’s concerns and requests.
Frystak met with the director of facilities at District 96 to discuss having an intergovernmental agreement between the Park District and District 96 for use of the school gyms and fields. Frystak was told that without an IGA the Park District will not be able to rent their facilities. Frystak will follow up and report back at the next meeting with more information.
FOIA Requests – Young
No FOIA requests received.
Programs and Events - Frystak
“Wicked Woodlands” Event Outcomes, Results
The event was a great success. Approximately $2,000 gross was raised. A final total of expenses was not available yet but many of the items purchased for the event will be used next year. There were 34 volunteers.
Holiday 2023 Santa Event
“Sessions with Santa” will be held on December 2nd from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the gazebo in Buffalo Creek Park. There will be 10-minute sessions for each family. The event is almost sold out, only 3 spots are available.
Ongoing Programs Update
Frystak provided final results for summer programs. All fall programs are running and the winter program guide has been posted on the website. New registrations are coming in.
Community Engagement/Communications – Healy
Articles were submitted for the November issue of Stroll; “Kids Having a Blast at LGPD programs, “Scout Renews Boardwalk at Reed-Turner Woodland.”
Healy and Frystak met with the new communications firm that the Village of Long Grove uses to talk about opportunities to provide news about the Park District. Healy sent them an article for the December issue of the Bridge; “Fun Facts about Long Grove Park District.”
BSA Projects/Volunteer Activities – Shah/Healy/Skillicorn
Healy asked Elizabeth Abraham for an update on the Tree I.D. Project. She came back and said she wanted to start fundraising but wanted to know how much the Park District would be willing to contribute. Healy told her to get the quotes for the 15 Tree I.D. Tags, 15 metal poles, 2 trailhead signs and 2 wooden stakes., and then they could talk about it. Southwell stated it should not exceed 50%.
Healy reported that trail signs are disappearing at RTW, due to theft. She contacted Rick Boardman of the Scouts, asking if he had a scout who would make trail signs. He said it wouldn’t qualify for an Eagle Scout project, but they would do it as a service project. Healy provided a list of trail signs needed plus extras.
Shah noted the trails at RTW are covered with leaves. It is not a good time to put wood chips down. Shah asked for other ideas for volunteer days.
Strategy/Branding/Constituent Awareness – Southwell
Roadside Property Signage Update
Holes were drilled and sign posts were installed at 11 of 13 properties. Vinyl Graphics are being produced and will be installed on Sign Boards once completed.
Prior to drilling, JULIE came out to mark spots at each location. Southwell worked with Geoff and GHA Engineering (VOLG and LGPD Retained Engineers) who provided recommended set-backs for sign post installations. Sign posts were installed either in Legacy locations and/or according to set-backs recommended.
Subsequent to installations, Southwell received an email from Art Osten, interim Village Manager, notifying LGPD that approvals and permits are required and that work must stop until an application is submitted. A resident had contacted the Village to make a complaint about the signage under construction at Buffalo Creek Park. Healy and Underwood will respond to the email and will look into the application. Southwell stated he would like this expedited.
President’s Report – Southwell
“SAM” Number and related Governmental Registrations
No update.
Discussion around updating strategy for Public-Use of Facilities - Defer to December 2023
Southwell will send out a matrix before the next board meeting to be reviewed and discussed.
IL D.O.T. Request for our determination of De Minimis impact re their plans for “improvements” at IL83/22
No contact from IL DOT. Representative has been gone for the past 30 days.
IL D.O.T. Deed-Over of “Mitigation Property” to LGPD
No contact from IL DOT. Representative has been gone for the past 30 days.
Parks, Open Lands Property Management – Healy/Southwell
Work has been done at RTW, BCP, LVM and Gridley the past 2 months and is mostly done for the fall. A burn at RTW will be scheduled. This will be done at the sedge meadow and McHenry Triangle.
Healy is obtaining proposals for work to be done in 2024. A grant will be needed for work that needs to be done at Longview Meadow. Healy will meet with Southwell to discuss and will make recommendations at the December meeting.
M. Young has been working with Del Rio’s and Woody’s Tree Service at BCP and RTW. Dead trees were taken down due to safety concerns, trees trimmed and general cleanup.
New Business
Proposed Replacement of failing fence, related clean-up at BCP (along RPC Road, W of Bridge)
The fence along Robert Parker Coffin Road west of the bridge is rotting and has fallen down multiple times. It needs to be replaced. M. Young has obtained quotes/proposals. All agreed that the work needs to be done. ???? made a motion to support replacement of the split fence by BCP along RPC Road not to exceed $10,000. Skillicorn seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.
Proposed Seasonal Rental/Installation of Porta-Potty at RTW (initial discussion for consideration only)
Southwell asked all board members to think about where to put a porta-potty, if needed. To be discussed at the next meeting.
Potential Reconstruction and Formalization of Additional Village Parking adjacent to Buffalo Creek Park. Underwood was contacted by Ryan Messner, owner of the State Farm Insurance agency in downtown Long Grove. He and another Historic Downtown LGBA member have purchased empty buildings along the Northside of RPC Road, east of the Bridge and are planning to renovate the structures. They will be asking the Village of LG to turn the space behind the buildings into a municipal parking lot, combining the existing parking lots (various ownership). The owners of the Village Tavern, Country House and Visitor Center are all open to the idea. Messner wanted to reach out to the Park District for initial indications of support also. An easement, or land contribution may be needed from the Park District for the parking lot expansion and renovation. Messner would like to meet with Underwood and Southwell in the future to discuss. Underwood asked board members if there would be any interest in this. No one is against the project at this time but more information is needed as far as the scope of the project, design, etc. Underwood and Southwell will meet with Messner to learn more, discuss and report-back.
Adjournment of Meeting
Healy moved to adjourn the meeting. Skillicorn seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 8:10 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Stephanie Young, Recording Secretary
Call to order, Roll Call: Southwell
Items from Audience: Guest (s)
(Limited to maximum 3 minutes per guest, maximum is 10 minutes total).
Meeting Minutes review/approval: Southwell
• Sept 2023
• Financial Reports: Sept 2023 Young/Southwell
• Accounting/Quickbooks strategy Healy/Young/Southwell
Legal/Intergovernmental: Southwell et al
• Intergovernmental Agreements, activity – State of Il/DOT, VHW, Ela, VOLG, D96
• F.O.I.A. Requests/Responses Young
Programs and Events:
• “Wicked Woodlands” Outcomes, Results Frystak
• Holiday-2023 Prospective Event?
• Ongoing Programs Update
Community Engagement, Communications: Healy
BSA Projects/Volunteer Activities: Shah/Healy/Skillicorn
Strategy/Branding/Constituent Awareness: Southwell
President’s Report: Southwell
• “SAM” Number and related Governmental Registrations – Defer to Oct23
• Discussion around updating strategy for Public-Use of Facilities
• IL D.O.T. Request for our determination of De Minimis impact re their plans for “improvements” at IL83/22
• IL D.O.T. Deed-Over of “Mitigation Property” to LGPD
• Roadside Signage Update
• Proposed Seasonal Rental/Installation of Porta-Potty at RTW
Parks, Open-Lands Property Management:
● Updates: RTW, BCP, LVM, L-H, Mit. Area Healy/Southwell/et al
Old Business:
• Discussion around updating strategy for Public-Use of Facilities
New Business:
Move to Closed-Session
Return to Open Session
Long Grove Park District – Meeting Minutes
September 11, 2023
The meeting was called to order by James Southwell, President, at 6:37 p.m.
Roll Call
Commissioners Present
Healy, Shah, Skillicorn, Southwell, Underwood
Federer joined the meeting via Zoom.
Commissioners Absent
Stewards & Staff Present
Frystak, Young
Members of the Public Present
Meeting Minutes Review/Approval - Southwell
The August 2023 minutes were reviewed. Healy moved to approve the minutes as presented. Underwood seconded the motion. The August 2023 minutes were approved unanimously.
Financial Reports – Young/Southwell
The operations account financial reports for July and August 2023 were reviewed and discussed at the meeting. Healy moved to accept the July and August operations account financial reports as presented. Skillicorn seconded the motion. The financial reports for July and August 2023 were accepted unanimously.
Accounting, Bookkeeping/Quickbooks strategy - Healy/Young/Southwell
Frystak reported that one of the issues with the recreation account and Stripe has been identified. Frystak contacted the accountant asking for advice. A meeting will be scheduled with the accountant, Frystak and Young in the near future to resolve the matter.
Financial Plan Development FY23-24 – Southwell
The draft budget tracker was sent out prior to the board meeting for commissioners to review. New line items were added to breakdown costs. These will be added to the chart of accounts. The draft budget was reviewed and discussed.
Approval of FY23-24 Budget
I, Janet Healy, move to adopt the proposed Long Grove Park District financial plan and budget as presented for the upcoming 2023-2024 fiscal year. Shah seconded the motion. Motion to approve the FY23-24 budget passed unanimously.
Legal/Intergovernmental – Southwell
Intergovernmental Agreements, activity – State of Il/DOT, VHW, Ela, VOLG
No updates regarding VHW, Ela Township, Village of Long Grove
Frystak was contacted by Sam Miranda, Director of Facilities, at District 96. He stated he would like to have an Intergovernmental Agreement with LGPD for use of the school district facilities. Frystak will schedule a meeting to discuss further.
FOIA Requests – Young
No requests received.
Southwell reported a subpoena had been received requesting financial information for an ongoing legal case with a Park District vendor. All information was sent to the lawyer and this has been resolved.
Programs and Events – Frystak
An update on fall programs was reviewed. Programs have started or will be starting in the next week. For the Wicked Woodlands event October 7th, 80 tickets have been sold as of now. Volunteers and sponsors are needed.
Frystak will provide a breakdown of summer programs at the next board meeting.
Old Business
LGPD Policy-Set periodic-review, draft new ethics policy, training – consideration of adoption
An updated draft of the code of conduct and ethics policy was sent out prior to the meeting for all to review. Southwell contacted Adam Simon, LGPD lawyer, to confirm this is in compliance with the State of IL. The Video Surveillance Policy document was also incorporated into the draft. This was reviewed and discussed.
Adoption of the Long Grove Park District Ethics Policy and Code of Conduct
I, Angie Underwood, move to immediately replace the current policy and adopt the proposed, updated and revised LGPD Ethics Policy and Code of Conduct as presented. Healy seconded the motion. Motion to adopt the 2023 updated LGPD Ethics Policy and Code of Conduct passed unanimously.
IL D.O.T. request for our determination of De Minimis impact regarding their plans for improvements at IL 83/22.
Communications between Southwell, state representatives and IL DOT were reviewed and discussed. Southwell presented the Park District’s concerns and ideas regarding the improvements at 83/22 and also the deed-over of the mitigation site. Bill Jacobs from the Village of Long Grove contacted Southwell. The Village would like to move forward with the improvements as soon as possible and asked if the Park District did not want to move forward. Southwell asked for help with finalizing the mitigation site deed over to the Park District from the State. Just prior to the board meeting, Southwell was contacted by T. Pelletier/IL D.O.T. with their response. This was reviewed and discussed. Healy and Underwood stated the Park District should continue to engage and negotiate with IDOT regarding improvements at IL 83/22.
Approval to authorize LGPD Board President to negotiate with IL D.O.T.
I, Angie Underwood, move to extend and expand the authorization of the LGPD Board President for up to 180 days to further negotiate, resolve remaining issues and successfully conclude an agreement with the IL D.O.T. regarding “improvements” at IL 83/22 with the objective of minimizing impact to Longview Meadow, timing essentially concurrent with successful conveyance of the IDOT “Mitigation Properties” (IL 83 and Oakwood) to the Long Grove Park District. Healy seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Community Engagement/Communications – Healy
Frystak submitted an article about the Wicked Woodlands event for the September issue of Stroll. Underwood submitted an article about rare birds spotted in Long Grove and at Longview Meadow for the October issue. Save the Date for the holiday event will be submitted for the November issue by Frystak.
BSA Projects/Volunteer Activities – Healy/Skillicorn/Shah
Healy reported Elizabeth Abraham is waiting for scout masters to sign off on her proposed project at RTW.
Strategy/Branding/Constituent Awareness – Southwell
Del Rio’s will drill post holes for the new LGPD property signs. Plan is for sign posts to be installed in late October.
Parks, Open Lands Property Management – Healy/Southwell
Updates: RTW, BCP, LVM, LH, Mitigation Area
Healy and M. Young inspected the trails at RTW. Wood chips need to be placed on the trails. Shah will plan a volunteer day on September 23rd to chip trails.
Buffalo Creek Park
Tallgrass treated invasives at BCP. Healy noted work needs to be done; cleanup, remove dead limbs, plants by the bridge need to be trimmed back. Healy will contact Del Rio’s to have this done, as well as Woody’s Tree Service to take down dead trees.
Longview Meadow
The trails have not been well maintained and have grown in. Southwell will work with M. Young to blaze the trails, and Del Rio’s will cut them back and maintain going forward. Hayrake Trail also requires grown-in brush to be trimmed.
Oak Hills
The Park District was contacted by the Oak Hills HOA President regarding trees on the PD property they believe needed to be trimmed. Given the continuing nature of their periodic requests and expense in addressing, Southwell determined best plan would be to completely remove the offending and slowly dying Willows along the street. The trees were taken out by Woody’s Tree Service. To fully close-out, Del Rio’s has been asked to make turf repairs when time permits.
New Business
Adjournment of Meeting
Healy moved to adjourn the meeting. Shah seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at
8:07 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Stephanie Young, Recording Secretary
Long Grove Park District – Meeting Minutes
The meeting was called to order by James Southwell, President, at 6:36 p.m.
Roll Call
Commissioners Present
Healy, Shah, Skillicorn, Southwell, Underwood
Commissioners Absent
Abraham, Federer
Stewards & Staff Present
Members of the Public Present
Meeting Minutes Review/Approval - Southwell
The draft Minutes of the July 2023 meeting were reviewed. Underwood moved to approve the minutes as presented. Healy seconded the motion. The Minutes of the July 2023 meeting were approved unanimously, as presented.
Financial Reports – Young/Southwell
The financial reports for July 2023 were reviewed and discussed at the meeting. Skillicorn moved to defer consideration of the July financial reports until the next board meeting. Healy seconded the motion. All were in favor, Motion passed.
Accounting, Bookkeeping/Quickbooks strategy - Healy/Young/Southwell
Healy, Federer, Frystak and Young had a second meeting with the retained accounting firm at RTNC to go over day-to-day procedures, discussed updating the chart of accounts, switching to online Quickbooks, quarterly budget reports and payroll. Work to investigate and recommend enhancements will continue.
Healy contacted UBS regarding the CDs that have matured and are in a cash account. These will be moved to CDs with rates of 5.25 – 5.3%. Half will go into a 5 to 7-month CD and half into a 12-month CD.
Shah offered to work with Young on the chart of accounts.
Financial Plan Development FY23/24
Southwell asked for assistance with developing the new budget. Underwood volunteered to help with budget review. Will need to contact contractors to determine FY23-24 costs. Young will run reports for actual spending in FY22-23 by category/contractors.
Legal/Intergovernmental – Southwell
Intergovernmental Agreements, activity – State of Il/DOT, VHW, Ela, VOLG
No activity to report.
Underwood is researching impact fees that are due from the Village of Long Grove.
FOIA Requests – Young
No requests have been received.
Programs and Events - Frystak
Frystak sent out an update prior to the meeting. Fall programs are now live on the website and registrations are being accepted. There are 24 programs being offered. A webpage was created for the Wicked Woodlands event. Frystak will be reaching out to local businesses for sponsorships and promotion. A recap of summer programs will be provided at the next meeting.
Old Business
LGPD Policy Set Review, Draft New Ethics Policy, Training
Southwell provided a draft ethics policy written by Adam Simon prior to the meeting for board members to review. Items included in the draft are those that are required for all commissioners and officers to be trained on. This is to ensure that the Park District is in full compliance with all statutes and regulations that apply to governmental entities by the State of IL. Southwell requested everyone be prepared to discuss and vote on the ethics policy at the next meeting.
Fly-dumping prevention, LH dumpster shed, video monitoring
There has been considerable fly-dumping at Lemmon-Hill recently, and unpermitted access along with campfires at Gridley ball field. One lock at Gridley had been removed by a Contractor/lessee and replaced with a zip-tie. M. Young will purchase and place new locks at Gridley to secure the gate, additional signage will be posted stating that access is only by Permit, any other will be considered Trespassing.
“SAM” number and related Governmental Registrations
Southwell received information through the State to help with obtaining a SAM number for reimbursement of the parking lot renovation at RTW.
Discussion regarding updating strategy for Public-Use of Facilities
Frystak sent out a draft policy with rules and regulations prior to the meeting. Southwell asked for input on types of groups/classes that would be a good fit for renting out RTNC. Scope: Teaching, educational, youth-oriented community groups, scouts, Long Grove residents. Southwell will work with Frystak and Young to finalize over next several months.
IL D.O.T. request for determination of De Minimis impact regarding plans for “improvements” at IL83/22.
Southwell spoke with Adam Simon. He reached out to the IDOT representative but has not heard back from them yet. There are no significant legal questions that need to be addressed. The Park District would like to bring closure to previously contracted-for deed-over of the IDOT mitigation property to LGPD concurrently with agreement around the IDOT proposed improvements at IL 83/22 impacting Long View Meadow. The Board of Commissioners developed a consensus around negotiating strategy and authorized Southwell to negotiate on behalf of LGPD, with the State of Illinois, toward a successful resolution of both matters.
Community Engagement/Communications – Healy
Frystak wrote a press release for the Wicked Woodlands event for the September issue of Stroll. Underwood will write an article on birds for the October issue. Healy suggested an article about what Longview Meadow offers; refuge for birds, endangered species.
Healy stated there is a need to offer support to Frystak for the Wicked Woodlands event; volunteers for the event, promotion, flyers.
BSA Projects/Volunteer Activities – Healy/Skillicorn/Shah
Healy is working with Elizabeth Abraham on a scout project. Healy gave Abraham a comprehensive list of expectations and is waiting for a response.
Shah will be scheduling work days in the coming weeks.
Strategy/Branding/Constituent Awareness – Southwell
Installation of the new property signs is scheduled to be accomplished between late September and mid-October.
President’s Report – Southwell
Lemmon Hill
Parking lot asphalt at LH needs repair, pot holes need to be filled in.
Longview Meadow
The paths at LVM have grown in unintentionally. M. Young and Southwell will work with Del Rio’s to blaze the trails that need to be opened-up.
Gridley ball field
Turf was cut and removed to expand the infield to appropriate size. The infields were hit twice with Groundclear and Roundup. Baseball mix will be installed and bases will be put in. Plan is to have restoration completed for Spring 2024, and will be for organized/permit-use only.
Mitigation Site/Gridley Farm
High mowing of areas adjacent to entrance and Ball-fields will be sought for late Sept-early Oct 2023. Brushy growth by the power lines at Gridley will be removed.
Turner Memorial
Southwell will work with M. Young on putting in a concrete base for the stand and sign. Proposal to put a bench by the memorial was discussed.
Video Surveillance Policy
A draft video surveillance policy document prior to the meeting for review. Southwell asked for input from the board regarding video monitoring at the barn and garage at LH and also for the parking lot and garage at RTW. Signs would need to be placed. Discussion was held. Skillicorn suggested motion sensor lights be used at RTW parking lot. This will be discussed further at the next meeting.
Parks, Open Lands Property Management – Healy/Southwell
Reed-Turner Woodland
Dead trees close to and overhanging the trails were taken down by Woody’s Tree Service. They were hauled out and chipped. Smaller, spindly trees in the oak grove were removed to allow sun to be let in to the preserve.
Longview Meadow
Tallgrass treated invasives at LVM.
Tallgrass treated teasel at the mitigation site. Contracted work on Long Grove roadsides should be complete.
Buffalo Creek Park
Del Rio’s asked if they could limb up trees at BCP. It is difficult to mow in some areas. Southwell will meet with them before any work is to be done.
Tallgrass treated invasives on July 31st.
Adjournment of Meeting
Underwood moved to adjourn the meeting. Healy seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 8:37 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Stephanie Young, Recording Secretary
Long Grove Park District – Meeting Minutes
July 14, 2023
The meeting was called to order by James Southwell, President, at 6:38 p.m.
Roll Call
Commissioners Present
Federer, Healy, Skillicorn, Southwell
Shah & Underwood joined the meeting via Zoom.
Commissioners Absent
Stewards & Staff Present
Frystak, Young
Members of the Public Present
Meeting Minutes Review/Approval - Southwell
The June 2023 minutes were reviewed. Healy moved to approve the minutes as presented. Skillicorn seconded the motion. The June 2023 minutes were approved unanimously.
Financial Reports – Young/Southwell
The financial reports for June 2023 were reviewed and discussed at the meeting. Skillicorn moved to accept the June financial reports as presented. Healy seconded the motion. The financial reports for June 2023 were accepted unanimously.
Accounting, Bookkeeping/Quickbooks strategy -Healy/Young/Southwell
Healy, Underwood and Frystak met with an accounting firm to discuss the Park District’s accounting needs, ideas on how to streamline and simplify, upgrade bookkeeping and accounting practices and payroll. Another meeting will be held at LGPD to discuss day-to-day accounting procedures and to go over recommendations. Southwell and Federer stated they would like to attend the meeting.
Healy has been in contact with a UBS advisor. Purpose being to discuss making changes in order to attain a better return on Park District funds. Southwell asked that Healy to discuss with them further and to inquire about 6 and 12 month CDs, with intent and authorization to create a short to mid-term ladder. All agreed. Healy will call and will report findings at the next board meeting.
Legal/Intergovernmental – Southwell
Intergovernmental Agreements, activity – State of Il/DOT, VHW, Ela, VOLG
No activity, other than: 1. continuing attempts by Ancel-Glink to reach IDOT on the matter of the previously agreed transfer of the Mitigation Property, 2. Inquiry by and discussion with IDOT, at their request, regarding expansion of build-out at 22/83 and potential impacts on Longview Meadow, details later in Minutes.
FOIA Requests – Young
A FOIA request was received on 06-26-23 from NBC Chicago/Katy Smyser asking for information regarding all settlement agreements resolving FOIA lawsuits, judgments or other court orders requiring payment for attorney fees, claims made to an insurance company for coverage following a FOIA action. Healy responded to Ms. Smyser on June 29th stating that there were none/none of these items applies to LGPD. Ms. Smyser responded confirming receipt of the email.
Programs and Events – Frystak
Frystak reported all summer programs that were offered are running. Frystak is working on the fall programs and will present at the next meeting. Oak Leaf Cooperative School notified Frystak that they will not be holding nature classes after the current session is over. Frystak will look into a new company and/or instructor to run these classes.
No financial updates. Frystak proposed presenting the financials on a quarterly basis going forward.
Frystak is working on a fall event, “Wicked Woodlands”, to be held on October 7th at Reed-Turner Woodland. This will include games, crafts, snacks, a haunted hike, pumpkin painting and movie indoors. Volunteers and donations will be needed. It will be promoted in the Stroll magazine, social media, Daily Herald. Money will be needed for signage, food, etc. Federer moved to support Frystak with a budget not to exceed $750. Healy seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Old Business – Southwell
“Efficiency Committee” required by IL Statute – Applicability (?)
A bill was passed and went into effect recently. Southwell did not believe it applied to LGPD, but spoke with Adam Simon/Ancel-Glink about the requirements. He/we were assured that it did not apply to LGPD as the Park District is a non-taxing governmental entity.
Fly-dumping prevention, LH Dumpster Shed relo and re-construction?
There is an ongoing problem with refuse being dropped off at the Lemmon-Hill dumpster; car parts, paint, tires, organ. Southwell spoke to Adam Simon for advice on how to prevent this from occurring in the future; motion-activated video, lighting, signage, etc. Southwell will report on this at the next meeting.
“SAM” Number and related Governmental Registrations
A federal number is required, unique identifier, when applying for Federal and State grants. LGPD had one but it lapsed in the previous leadership transition. Southwell has reapplied for the number, but has not received a response for 7-8 months. A. Simon suggested asking an accountant or hiring an expert to help expedite the request.
Website Re-development, Uptake, Future Plans: Frystak
No update.
Discussion around updating strategy for Public-Use of Facilities
Southwell asked all commissioners to review and share opinions on the draft that Frystak had provided in the past. This will be discussed at the next meeting.
IL D.O.T. Request for our determination of De Minimis impact re their plans for “improvements” at IL83/22
Southwell met with IDOT to discuss proposed improvements they would like to make at Route 22 & 83. These include the addition or extension of turn lanes at the intersection, bicycle and pedestrian trails/sidewalks along the east side of northbound 83 and the south side of eastbound 22. A map was handed out with the proposed improvements. Concerns were discussed. More information is needed before making a decision, including design drawings. Southwell asked for support from the board members to move forward with contacting IDOT to go over questions, concerns and requests for more information. All were in favor.
Community Engagement/Communications – Healy
An article was submitted by Underwood for the August Stroll addition on walking paths in Long Grove. Frystak will submit an article for the September issue about the fall event.
BSA Projects/Volunteer Activities – Healy/Skillicorn/Shah
Healy is working with Elizabeth Abraham on a possible scout project; small signage with a QR code throughout RTW that would provide information on trees in the woodlands. Healy presented a mockup of the sign.
Strategy/Branding/Constituent Awareness – Southwell
No update.
Parks, Open Lands Property Management – Healy/Southwell
Healy and M. Young will be meeting with a tree service at RTW to get a quote on taking down dead trees near the paths and also trees around one oak grove. The trees will be laid down in the preserve or chipped.
Tallgrass treated teasel along Village roads and at the mitigation site.
New Business
Southwell will send an updated draft of policy set to board members regarding LGPD property, employees, officers and a commissioner handbook. He asked that everyone review and be ready to discuss at the next board meeting.
Adjournment of Meeting
Healy moved to adjourn the meeting. Skillicorn seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 8:31 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Stephanie Young, Recording Secretary
Long Grove Park District – Meeting Minutes
June 12, 2023
The meeting was called to order by James Southwell, President, at 6:32 p.m.
Roll Call
Commissioners Present
Healy, Skillicorn, Southwell, Underwood
Skillicorn left at 8:06 p.m.
Commissioners Absent
Abraham, Federer, Shah
Stewards & Staff Present
Frystak, S. Young
Members of the Public Present
Meeting Minutes Review/Approval - Southwell
The May 2023 minutes were reviewed. Underwood moved to approve the minutes as presented. Healy seconded the motion. The May 2023 minutes were approved unanimously.
Financial Reports
The financial reports for April 2023 were reviewed and discussed at the meeting. All questions were answered. Skillicorn moved to accept the April 2023 financial reports as presented. Underwood seconded the motion. The financial reports for April 2023 were accepted unanimously.
The financial reports for May 2023 were reviewed and discussed at the meeting. Underwood moved to accept the May 2023 financial reports as presented. Healy seconded the motion. The financial reports for May 2023 were accepted unanimously.
Accounting, Bookkeeping/Quickbooks strategy
Healy met with Frystak and S. Young to discuss the need for hiring an accounting service or consulting service with more expertise regarding Quickbooks, setting up the chart of accounts properly, etc. Healy has received a few recommendations and will follow up with the companies. Southwell noted he would prefer an efficient, user-friendly system and structure that will support more a robust and graphical reporting system. Ideally also supporting efficient compliance reporting and auditing. All were in favor of moving forward.
Legal/Intergovernmental – Southwell
Intergovernmental Agreements, activity – State of Il/DOT, VHW, Ela, VOLG
Adam Simon reached out to the State of IL regarding the transfer of the mitigation property. He has not received a response.
FOIA Requests – S. Young
A FOIA request was received from the Better Government Association requesting information relating to the Park District’s payroll in 2021. Healy worked with Young to gather information and sent a response within the timeframe given.
Website Re-development, Uptake, Future Plans - Frystak
No update.
Programs and Events - Frystak
Frystak provided a handout with a breakdown of programs that were offered in the spring, current summer programs and classes that will be offered in the fall. Frystak also provided a breakdown of the number of participants in each class. Proposed special events for the fall and winter include “Wicked Woodlands” and “Santa Visit/Workshop.”
Community Engagement/Communications – Healy
Healy submitted an article about the Garden Club plant sale and asked for ideas for August issues. Underwood will submit an article before the June 25th deadline about walking trails and pathways in Long Grove along with photographs. If Frystak has any timely program/event news to report for this issue that hits mid-August, she will write an article as well, i.e. latest Explorer of the Month, with photos.
BSA Projects – Healy/Skillicorn
Skillicorn reported that Sebastian Cole completed his boardwalk project at RTW, and noted that Troop 140 will have 3 more scouts in the coming months who will want to do projects for the Park District.
Healy noted Elizabeth Abraham is working on an idea for her project which would be small signage with a QR code throughout RTW that would provide information on trees in the woodlands. Healy provided her a list of trees in RTW and will work with Sarah Schultz to identify them.
Volunteer Activities – Shah
No report.
Strategy/Branding/Constituent Awareness – Southwell
The sign posts and sign boards have been primed, painted and stained. Gewalt Hamilton provided a report with information on property lines, easements, distances from roadways for where the signs can be placed.
President’s Report – Southwell
RTW Parking Lot
Reporting for February, March and April has been completed and submitted. Southwell is still waiting for the Federal/SAM Entity Administrator request to be approved. Reimbursement from the State is on hold. Southwell will contact Adam Simon regarding a service who could assist us in being appropriately set-up to apply for, and to manage awarded Grants easily and in a compliant manner.
Asphalt spot repairs were made to the parking lot. M. Young is researching providers and proposals for replacing the dumpster enclosure. Recently, an organ, mattresses and tires were dumped in the parking lot at LH. M. Young will contact Waste Management to make a special pickup for these items.
Southwell will contact Adam Simon for recommendations on how to prevent this in the future; no trespassing signs, video surveillance.
Longview Meadow
Southwell was contacted by IL DOT in response to his letter that was sent months ago regarding the proposed vehicular, Bicycle and pedestrian “improvements” at 83 & 22 requesting to meet to review their improvement plans. He will arrange to meet with the IDOT team and view their presentation and proposals.
Gridley Field
Restoration is moving along. Starter fertilizer was applied by Del Rios, early in season. SavALawn treated weeds twice, in mid-Spring and early Summer 2023. We will be expanding the skinned-area of the infield to specified dimensions. To be followed by continued infield weed treatment and purchase/placement of four trailer loads of baseball-mix. Plan is to ask Ela Township to high-mow teasel and weeds under powerlines on leased portions in the fall so as to manage small woody brush, and enable Tallgrass to treat Teasel Rosettes in Spring 2024.
Turner Memorial
The steel monument was fabricated by JayR’s and the plaque was received. Southwell asked for input from board members as far as placement of the memorial sign and also for dates for the dedication.
Strategic – Rental Strategy
Frystak provided Healy and Young an initial draft of the proposed rental agreement to review. Frystak will send to all board members for input. Southwell stated he would like to focus on review and subsequent determination of the scope of offerings, by property, first.
Human Resource Policies
The HR policies adopted in 2022 should be re-reviewed. Southwell will ask all to review and have notes ready for the July board meeting. After the meeting, Southwell will ask Adam Simon to review for assurance of compliance and completeness. Once it is complete, the board will vote on approval at a future meeting.
Parks, Open Lands Property Management – Healy/Southwell
Tallgrass treated invasives at RTW, Buffalo Creek Park and the mitigation site. They also treated roadside teasel. They will treat Longview Meadow the week of June 12th.
Healy was contacted by Sarah Schultz regarding the stream leveler at RTW. She asked if the level could be lowered due to the water level being over sedge meadow plants. Skillicorn will contact Midwest Beaver to ask for their recommendations and report back.
Old Business
Impact fees are being researched and will be discussed at the next meeting.
New Business
Efficiency Committee
Update Only, as Quorum was lost at 8:06pm. Meeting became one-way, informational-only work-shop at this point.
A new statute by the State of Illinois requires Park Districts among other entities to form an “efficiency committee”. Southwell will contact A. Simon about the requirements, if any, given that our Park District is a non-taxing Governmental Entity.
Adjournment of Meeting
Underwood moved to adjourn the meeting. Healy seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 8:13 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Stephanie Young, Recording Secretary
Long Grove Park District – Meeting Minutes
May 8, 2023
The meeting was called to order by James Southwell, President, at 6:36 p.m.
Roll Call
Commissioners Present
Federer, Healy, Shah, Skillicorn, Southwell, Underwood
Commissioners Absent
Stewards & Staff Present
Frystak, Young
Members of the Public Present
Meeting Minutes Review/Approval - Southwell
The April 2023 minutes were reviewed. Underwood moved to approve the minutes as presented. Healy seconded the motion. The April 2023 minutes were approved unanimously.
Treasury/Banking/Insurance – Southwell/Young
Financial Reports
The financial reports for March 2023 were reviewed and discussed at the meeting. At the last meeting, Underwood asked about the $118,000 YOY difference on the statement of equity. Healy sent an explanation prior to the board meeting that this difference was mainly due to the parking lot renovation expenses of $97,541, a payroll increase of $18,000 and there was quite a bit of tree work done, approximately $10,000. The Park District is expecting to be reimbursed by the State of IL for approximately half of what was spent on the parking lot.
Underwood moved to accept the March 2023 financial reports as presented. Healy seconded the motion. The financial reports for March 2023 were accepted unanimously.
The financial reports for April 2023 were not completed. Frystak reported the recreation financials were off due to an issue with importing the Stripe deposits incorrectly. Frystak and Young are working to correct the error and new financial reports will be sent out once this is done. It was decided to postpone voting to accept the March financial reports until the next board meeting.
AP, Bookkeeping/Quickbooks Process Review – Shah/Young/Southwell
Federer will meet with Frystak to discuss Quickbooks, chart of accounts and potentially switching to accrual-based accounting.
Legal/Intergovernmental – Southwell
Election Results, Swearing-In of Commissioners
Young reported receiving the certified Abstract of Votes from the Lake County Clerk’s office. All commissioners who ran for their position were re-elected. Federer, Skillicorn and Underwood were sworn in. Abraham will be sworn in at the next meeting.
Statement of Economic Interest Filings/Compliance
Young reported all commissioners are compliant with SEI for 2023.
Intergovernmental Agreements – State of Il/DOT, VHW, Ela, VOLG
No updates or new activity.
FOIA Requests – Young
None received.
Website Re-development, Uptake - Frystak
Frystak noted traffic is down a bit but the view rate is good, approximately 1,500 visits in April. One marketing campaign for summer programs was sent out recently. Frystak plans to post twice weekly for new programs and events.
Recreation Programs – Frystak
Frystak presented a breakdown of programs running, fees collected and margins. There were 4 classes that were canceled due to low enrollment and a lack of response from 5 Star Sports regarding these classes as well as others. Frystak met with Hot Shots, another sports company, who works with 80+ different park districts. Their number one priority is customer service. Another meeting will be scheduled to discuss future programs.
Community Engagement/Communications – Healy
An article regarding the Long Grove Pharmaceuticals Volunteer workday that was held at Buffalo Creek Park will run in the June issue of Stroll. Healy asked for ideas for future issues. Underwood suggested doing a word search of nature items. Other suggestions were articles about the new pickleball and baseball programs being held with Hawthorn Woods Park District.
BSA Projects/Volunteer Activities – Healy/Shah/Skillicorn
Shah is working on setting up a work day at RTW to chip the trails. She will contact M. Young regarding possible dates.
There was a discussion about pulling garlic mustard. Federer, Shah and Skillicorn expressed interest in helping with this.
Sebastian Cole turned in the paperwork for his project. Healy noted he needs to be more specific with the plan. Once it has been sent in, Healy or Skillicorn will sign off on the project and Skillicorn will work with Sebastian going forward.
Federer and Healy will be working with Elizabeth Abraham on a project, possibly signage that will explain different elements of RTW; flowers, plants, wildlife. QR codes may be used as a way to be less obtrusive.
Strategy/Branding/Constituent Awareness – Southwell
Property Signage
The signs have been primed, sealed stained, painted and assembled. They were move to the barn at Lemmon Hill. The art for the signs is almost finished. Southwell will retain Gewalt-Hamilton to ask for assistance in determining minimum legal or advisable distances from roadways for installing signs at each property. JULIE will need to be contacted prior to hole-drilling and installation. There is still quite a bit of work to be done.
President’s Report – Southwell
Parking Lot
Southwell is still waiting to receive a SAM registration/number from the Federal Government.
Lemmon Hill
Southwell is working with M. Young on replacing/relocating the dumpster enclosure, concrete pad and in potentially combination with fence-screening of the port-a-potty.
Gridley Field
The work on the ball field is coming along. Starter fertilizer has been applied and baseball mix will be brought in for infield rehabilitation later in the season.
Turner Memorial
The plaque is finished. Discussion regarding where to place the steel monument was held. All agreed that for purposes of increased viewership it should be placed in a location along a trail behind the Nature Center, rather than adjacent to the house footprint.
Public Use of Facilities
Discussion was held on how to approach rentals for RTW, the gazebo at BCP and other properties as well as rules, regulations and fees. Baseball fields will be on a separate form. Frystak and Young will work on an updated rental policy and will send it to commissioners prior to the next meeting.
Parks, Open Lands Property Management – Healy/Southwell
Reed-Turner Woodland
Tallgrass recently worked at RTW treating poison ivy along the trails, reed canary grass and other invasives. Sarah Schultz has been pulling garlic mustard.
Federer, Healy and Underwood met at RTW to look at trees that were tagged by Sarah Schultz and Mary Zander. These are smaller trees that are surrounding large oak trees and harming them. More sun is needed in the woodland. The idea is to conservatively and strategically remove the least desirable trees. Healy asked for input. Southwell was concerned about potential loss of all/many oak trees in the future due to disease – and that if all non-Oak, non-Hickory trees are taken out now there might not be many mature trees remaining in the woodland. He would be open to trying a pilot project over a small area. This will be discussed further at a future meeting.
Mitigation Site
Tallgrass treated teasel at the mitigation site. Kent and Blanca Tinucci also worked at the site treating teasel in an area of special interest to them.
Adjournment of Meeting
Skillicorn moved to adjourn the meeting. Federer seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 8:28 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Stephanie Young, Recording Secretary
The meeting was called to order by James Southwell, President, at 6:35 p.m.
Roll Call
Commissioners Present
Federer, Healy, Skillicorn, Southwell, Underwood.
Shah arrived at 6:44 p.m.
Commissioners Absent
Stewards & Staff Present
Frystak, Young
Members of the Public Present
Meeting Minutes Review/Approval - Southwell
The March 2023 minutes were reviewed. Underwood moved to approve the minutes as presented.
Healy seconded the motion. The March 2023 minutes were approved unanimously.
Treasury/Banking/Insurance – Southwell/Young
Financial Reports
The financial reports for March 2023 were reviewed and discussed at the meeting. Underwood asked
about the $118K YOY differential on the Statement of Equity. Southwell stated it was in substantial part
related to the parking lot expense. Healy will research in more detail, and respond to the Board. It was
decided to postpone voting to accept the financial reports until the next board meeting.
AP, Bookkeeping/Quickbooks:
No updates.
Legal/Intergovernmental – Southwell
Results of Election
Abraham, Skillicorn and Underwood were re-elected to 4-year terms. Federer was re-elected to a 2-year
unexpired term. These commissioners will be sworn in at the May board meeting.
Statement of Economic Interest Filings/Compliance
Southwell reminded commissioners who have not completed the online filing for Statement of
Economic Interests to complete this as soon as possible. The deadline is May 1 st .
Intergovernmental Agreements-State of IL/DOT, VHW, Ela, VOLG
No updates.
FOIA Requests – Young
No FOIA requests received.
Programs & Events – Frystak
Frystak provided an update on current programs and events, and website traffic numbers. Revenue for
registrations is over $8000 currently. There have been 73 sign-ups for new programs. Frystak reported
the summer program guide will be posted in the next week. New programs include a babysitting safety
course, CPR and first aid classes, yoga for kids, nature painting and writing and sports camps.
Community Engagement/Communications – Healy
An article, “Spring Wildflowers, Sunshine and Summer Programs!” written by Frystak was submitted for
the May Stroll magazine.
BSA Projects/Volunteer Activities – Healy/Skillicorn/Shah
BSA Projects:
Healy is waiting for the paperwork from Sebastian Cole, who will be working with Skillicorn on replacing
a boardwalk at Reed Turner. Timing was to start in April, but doubtful due to wet conditions and need
to finish paperwork and approvals.
Volunteer Activities:
Healy was contacted by the head of a volunteer committee at Long Grove Pharmaceuticals regarding
doing a park clean-up and donating/planting a tree in honor of Arbor Day. Healy chose Buffalo Creek
Park and bought an oak tree for planting. The date was set for April 14 th . Healy asked board members
for help with directing volunteers. Federer and Skillicorn may be available to help.
Strategy/Branding/Constituent Awareness – Southwell
The sign boards and cross-timbers for the Property Signage have been primed/sealed and painted with a
first coat. Southwell will coordinate with M. Young to do the final painting and assembling of the signs
late April.
President’s Report – Southwell
Human Resources
Southwell discussed positions descriptions, expanded responsibilities and new hourly rates with each
employee. All accepted their new roles and responsibilities. Southwell will contact Karen Kenyon to
advise of new rates that will be implemented in subsequent pay periods.
Oversight responsibility for Park District properties beyond RTW, LVM, L-H and the Mitigation Property
by individual board members has been deferred. Southwell has asked M. Young to oversee this as part
of his new position description. Underwood and Federer noted they would take responsibility for
walking LGPD property in Stonehaven, their subdivision. It’s close to Longview Meadow, so from time to
time, they will walk that as well and report any work needed.
Lemmon-Hill Parking Lot
M. Young will research providers and obtain quotes for replacement of the dumpster enclosure and
concrete pad. Parking lot potholes will be filled with asphalt.
Parks, Open Lands Property Management – Healy/Southwell
Reed-Turner Woodland
Tallgrass conducted a prescribed burn on March 21 st, starting at the loop on the southwest corner of the
Woodland. Weather was good for a burn, so in addition to the planned area along the lake, Tallgrass
burned the southwest slope of the creek and the prairie patch. Volunteer, Mary Zander, walked the
perimeter of the RTW burn area and mapped the boundaries on her phone. She will download and
convert the data to Google Earth, so we will have a record for planning purposes.
Mitigation Site
Tallgrass will be treating teasel at this site in April. Blanca Tinucci volunteered to carefully spot spray
teasel in an area of native plants that are dear to her.
Healy met Matt Evans/Chicago Botanic Garden who would like to set up a presentation for board
members on oak trees and best practices for managing natural areas. Healy will follow up on this.
Old Business – Southwell
Lake County Stars Contract Extension
An executed agreement has been received from LCS which notes days/times during the week that they
will be using the fields at Lemmon Hill and when LGPD will have use of the fields and also their
responsibilities regarding field maintenance.
New Business - Southwell
2022 Illinois Annual Financial Report
Healy reported LGPD had received a 60-day extension from the State to file this report. Deadline is April
27 th . Information was sent to Swartztrauber & Co., an accounting firm, who has worked with LGPD in
the past to file this report. Healy received the final draft which was shared with the Board and noted a
vote was needed to approve the filing with the State. Motion to approve the report as provided by
Healy, acting treasurer, for purposes of filing the FY22 Illinois Annual Financial Report was made by
Underwood. Skillicorn seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Paperwork will be signed,
notarized and sent to Swartztrauber & Co. to file with the State.
Strategy for Public Use of Facilities
This will be delayed until the May board meeting. Southwell asked all to review the outline that Frystak
had provided. Decisions need to be made regarding uses of facilities, fees, LGPD supervision of
Adjournment of Meeting
Healy moved to adjourn the meeting. Skillicorn seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at
8:10 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Stephanie Young, Recording Secretary
Long Grove Park District – Meeting Minutes
March 13, 2023
The meeting was called to order by James Southwell, President, at 6:35 p.m.
Roll Call
Commissioners Present
Federer, Healy, Skillicorn, Southwell
Underwood joined the meeting via Zoom.
Commissioners Absent
Abraham, Shah
Stewards & Staff Present
Frystak, Young
Members of the Public Present
Meeting Minutes Review/Approval - Southwell
The February 2023 minutes were reviewed. Healy moved to approve the minutes as presented. Skillicorn seconded the motion. The February 2023 minutes were approved unanimously.
Treasury/Banking/Insurance – Southwell/Young
Financial Reports
The financial reports for February 2023 were reviewed and discussed at the meeting. Healy moved to accept the February 2023 financial reports as presented. Underwood seconded the motion. The financial reports for February 2023 were accepted unanimously.
Frystak will help set up processes for Quickbook and banking connections, to make book keepting easier and more efficient for Young.
Legal/Intergovernmental – Southwell
Statement of Economic Interest Filings/Compliance
Southwell received an email from Lake County Clerks Office regarding the Statement of Economic Interest form that all commissioners are required to file yearly. A handout was provided to all board members with information, frequently asked questions, provided by the Park District lawyer. This was discussed briefly.
Intergovernmental Agreements – State of Il/DOT, VHW, Ela, VOLG
No updates.
FOIA Requests – Young
None received.
Website Re-development - Frystak
The new website was launched on March 8th. Posts were made on social media, an email blast was sent to approximately 1300 emails via Square Space marketing. Information was sent to District 96 to post on the virtual backpack.
Programs and Events – Frystak w/Young
Spring programs that are being offered starting in April were reviewed. Analytics showed that response rates were higher than average. Frystak is partnering with Hawthorn Woods Park District to offer joint programs. Additional new programs are being developed: writing workshop, nature walks, art class, safety courses, CPR/first aid. The summer program guide target release date will be early April.
Community Engagement/Communications – Healy/Frystak
Upcoming March issue of Stroll Long Grove will feature a 2-page spread titled: “Are You A Long Grove Explorer”, written by Frystak. A news release titled: “Long Grove Park District Partners for Success” was written about all our Spring programs by Frystak. It was submitted for Stroll Long Grove’s April issue as well as the mid-March Long Grove e-newsletter and the Daily Herald. Underwood wrote an article about Long Grove’s daffodil tradition, and it was submitted to Stroll Long Grove for their April issue. Frystak will submit an article teasing about summer programs for the May issue of Stroll Long Grove, due March 25th. Potentially, we will have a full PR campaign about LGPD’s new logo, new signage, new website, new program guide, etc. for June or July.
BSA Projects – Healy/Skillicorn
Healy reported Sebastian Coles will be working on the boardwalk project at RTW. He would like to start in April if it is not too wet. Healy will do the paperwork with the scout while Skillicorn will supervise the project.
President’s Report – Southwell
Meeting Attendance
A Zoom account was set up and Bluetooth speaker acquired. This will be used for commissioners who are not able to attend meetings in person.
RTW Parking Lot: Reporting to the State needs to be completed for February and March. The request for updating the SAM administrator is still pending. This needs to be completed before the Park District can apply for reimbursement of the parking lot renovations.
Lemmon Hill
Planned maintenance/repairs of the parking lot at LH to be done in the spring. Southwell will investigate a new dumpster enclosure and concrete pad.
Longview Meadow
Southwell reported he has not heard from IL DOT regarding the response he sent months ago about the expanded road at 83 and 22. Investigating gravel to be placed at the turnout at LVM. This will support Steward and maintenance vehicles getting in and out safely.
Gridley Farm/Gridley Field
Planning spring maintenance to the ball fields. Baseball mix for the infield will be purchased and placed. PCA has donated starter fertilizer which will be applied by Del Rios Landscaping.
Turner Memorial
Quotes have been received for the steel monument and brushed stainless plaque. Plan to install late May, early June. Healy to propose site and ceremony ideas.
Mitigation Property
High mowing may be deferred until late Fall 2023. Tallgrass will treat teasel, beginning in April.
Strategy/Branding/Property Signage
The sign boards and cut timbers are now dry and will be sealed and painted/stained and then assembled. Work will begin in the next week or two.
Southwell asked for input from board members regarding a rental strategy for RTWNC, gazebo at BCP, fire pit, etc. including costs, security issues, rules and regulations. To be discussed further at the next meeting. Frystak will resend the proposal she emailed to the board months ago.
Parks, Open Lands Property Management – Healy/Southwell
Reed-Turner Woodland
Healy reported there was a work day led by Sarah Schultz and Mary Zander to finish clearing overgrown brush and less desirable saplings in the section south of the sedge meadow. There is a plan for Tallgrass to do a prescribed burn starting in the southwest section, near the lake and the trail loop.
Tim Hein, certified for chain sawing, cut down some leaning dead trees that were damaging to other healthy trees.
Lemmon Hill
M. Young will contact Del Rios to pick up large fallen branches.
Longview Meadow
On March 1st, Tallgrass cut the remaining stand of Sandbar Willows in the north section.
Old Business – Southwell
Lake County Stars
Southwell received the proposed contract that had been presented to Lake County Stars back with markups. He will follow up with Adam Simon, attorney, and will contact LCS to discuss further.
New Business - Southwell
Verizon Request – Directional Boring/Fiber Install
Southwell received a request from Verizon asking for permission to access the property at Route 83 & Gilmer where their cell tower is located to do directional boring/fiber install. Southwell will contact Adam Simon to discuss.
Staff Achievements and Opportunities
Southwell shared that he saw expanded opportunities for LGPD, presented by Staff performance and contributions.
Southwell Moved to enter Closed-Session. Federer seconded.
Board entered closed-session at 7:47PM
Return to Open-Session
Board returned to Open-Session at 8:50PM (on motion of Healy, seconded by Skillicorn)
Underwood moved: To create the new Positions of:
Facilities Administrator (II) – Part-Time, at an hourly rate of $29.00
Office Administrator (II) – Part Time, at an hourly rate of $29.00
Manager, Programs and Events – Part Time, at an hourly rate of $31.00
With current LGPD part-time employees being promoted into their respective Positions as-of April 3rd, 2023.
Healy seconded the motion. Short discussion followed. Southwell asked for a roll-call ballot. Healy Aye. Underwood Aye. Federer Aye. Skillicorn Aye. Southwell Aye. The motion passed unanimously.
Southwell will adjust and refine Position Descriptions with advice of Board Members. He will communicate the opportunities, adjusted responsibilities and Promotions with current part-time employees shortly before April 6, 2023.
Adjournment of Meeting
Federer moved to adjourn. Underwood seconded.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:54PM.
The Next Board of Commissioners meeting is scheduled for April 10th, 2023. Reed-Turner Nature Center.
Respectfully submitted,
Stephanie Young, Recording Secretary
Long Grove Park District – Meeting Minutes
February 13, 2023
The meeting was called to order by James Southwell, President, at 6:39 p.m.
Roll Call
Commissioners Present
Healy, Shah, Southwell, Underwood
Commissioners Absent
Abraham, Federer, Skillicorn
Stewards & Staff Present
Frystak, Young
Members of the Public Present
Meeting Minutes Review/Approval - Southwell
The February 2023 minutes were reviewed. Healy moved to approve the minutes as presented. Shah seconded the motion. The February 2023 minutes were approved unanimously.
Treasury/Banking/Insurance – Southwell/Young
Financial Reports
The financial reports for February 2023 were reviewed and discussed and all questions answered. Underwood moved to accept the February 2023 financial reports as presented. Healy seconded the motion. The financial reports for February 2023 were accepted unanimously.
PNC account access, connecting PNC with Quickbooks, remote deposits, payroll migration work will be deferred until after the launch of the new/updated website, likely late in March.
Legal/Intergovernmental – Southwell
Intergovernmental Agreements – State of IL/IDOT, VHW, Ela, VOLG
No new updates regarding the mitigation property. Adam Simon reached out to the State for an update.
Village of Hawthorn Woods Park District
Southwell and Frystak met with the Director of Parks and Recreation to discuss partnering with Long Grove Park District, for purposes of offering programs across both Park Districts, collaborating and developing an effective working-relationship. An Inter-Governmental Agreement may be required in the future.
Ela Highway Department
Ela will be high mowing at the mitigation property and Gridley field in the near future.
FOIA Requests – Young
No FOIA requests have been received.
Recreation Programs – Frystak/Young
Frystak presented a list of proposed programs to be launched in the spring and summer. A final schedule will be provided to the Board once it is available.
A presentation of the newly formatted website was shown to board members. Frystak went through all tabs/pages which included online registrations, volunteer signup, donations, rentals, property information and more. Square Space is being utilized to build and to host. Frystak stated it is very user friendly and will have lower monthly costs. The web-store incorporated will be automatically updated to an excel spreadsheet for tracking and databasing registrations.
Frystak is planning for a soft-launch of the site at the end of February, first week of March. Southwell stated he would like to coordinate with the new property signage, marketing, communications, etc., for a formal launch of the website late in April. Discussion held on ways to promote the new website.
Community Engagement/Communications – Healy
Frystak will write an article regarding new spring programs for April publications.
BSA Projects – Healy/Skillicorn
Southwell received a call from an Eagle Scout candidate from Troop 140. Southwell will provide him with a list of projects that need to be done.
Volunteer Activities - Shah
No updates.
Strategy/Branding/Constituent Awareness – Southwell
Property Signage
The timbers for the property signs are drying and shortly will need to be primed, stained and then assembled. The signs are scheduled to be installed in late April. Property lines/easements will be researched and a JULIE underground utility search will be done before placement.
Parks, Open Lands Property Management – Healy/Southwell
Reed-Turner Woodland
Healy reported there is a work day scheduled for brush clearing and burning on February 27 at RTW.
A prescribed burn is to be done in the area of the southwest corner loop by the pond. Tallgrass will oversee the burn. Money has been budgeted to cover the cost.
President’s Report – Southwell
Annual Appeal
Young reported $2900 in donations have been received as of February 2023. Southwell will be sending out an introductory letter to Long Grove businesses in the summer.
RTW Parking Lot
Final payment has been made. Monthly reporting for December and January was completed and submitted. Still waiting for the US Federal SAM system to be updated.
The parking lot at LH needs maintenance. This will be done in early spring.
The dumpster shed at LH needs to be removed and replaced with a more durable structure. This will be addressed in April.
Longview Meadow
Gravel is planned to be placed at the turnout at LVM. This will support vehicles getting in and out safely.
Southwell has not received a response to the letter he sent to IL IDOT regarding potential thoroughfare expansion the State is considering at Routes 22 & 83.
Gridley Field
Spring maintenance is planned. Three to five truckloads of baseball mix will be purchased and delivered for the infield.
Turner Memorial
Quotes have been received for the steel monument and for the stainless plaque. Healy reported the Long Grove-Kildeer Garden Club has expressed interest in making a donation. This will be discussed at a later date.
Development of a Rental strategy for use of Reed-Turner Woodland Nature Center, RTW fire pit, ball fields, gazebo will be deferred until May.
Old Business – Southwell
Adam Simon is drafting a new, 1-year contract for Lake County Stars with regard to use of the ballfields at Lemmon Hill.
Moved to Closed Session
Motion to move to closed session was made by Healy. Underwood seconded the motion. The meeting was moved to closed session at 7:55 pm.
Return to Open Session
Healy moved to return to open session. Underwood seconded the motion. The meeting returned to open session at 8:09 pm.
Healy moved to provide our three part-time employees, Stephanie Young, Marty Young and Allie Frystak, a 7% bonus, based on their calendar year 2022 gross income to recognize achievements and to demonstrate our appreciation for jobs very well-done. This equates to: $1,272 Stephanie Young, $629 Marty Young and $198 Allie Frystak. A short discussion followed. The motion carried unanimously.
Adjournment of Meeting
Underwood moved to adjourn the meeting. Healy seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 8:16 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Stephanie Young, Recording Secretary
January 9, 2023
The meeting was called to order by James Southwell, President, at 6:40 p.m.
Roll Call
Commissioners Present
Federer, Healy, Shah, Skillicorn, Southwell
Commissioners Absent
Abraham, Underwood
Stewards & Staff Present
Frystak, Young
Members of the Public Present
Election Preparations Update – Young/Southwell
Young reported the lottery drawing was held on December 20. The order of names on the ballot will be Skillicorn, Underwood, Abraham. The Certification of Ballot was emailed to the Lake County Clerk’s Office on December 22 and the original was mailed December 27.
Meeting Minutes Review/Approval - Southwell
The December 2022 minutes were reviewed. Healy moved to approve the minutes as presented. Skillicorn seconded the motion. The December 2022 minutes were approved unanimously.
Treasury/Banking/Insurance – Young/Shah
Financial Reports
The financial reports for December 2022 were reviewed and discussed and all questions answered. Healy moved to accept the December 2022 financial reports as presented. Skillicorn seconded the motion. The financial reports for December 2022 were accepted unanimously.
Remote Deposits
Healy reported working with PNC to arrange remote deposits with the two accounts. After many phone calls, PNC stated the administrator of the account, Southwell, is the one who will have to set this up. Southwell will contact PNC and will also look into adding Healy as a co-administrator.
AP, Bookkeeping/Quickbooks Process Review – Shah/Young/Southwell
Quickbooks Online needs to be connected to PNC Bank.
Legal/Intergovernmental – Southwell
Intergovernmental Agreement – State of IL/IDOT
Adam Simon has been in contact with IDOT regarding the mitigation property. Action on this property is anticipated soon.
FOIA Requests – Young
No FOIA requests were received.
Recreation Programs – Frystak/Young
Frystak provided an update on programs being considered for the spring sessions, sports and educational, and ideas for annual events starting in the summer. More details will be provided at the next board meeting.
Community Engagement/Communications – Healy
An article for new spring park and rec events will be sent to Long Grove Living for the March issue. Healy will meet with Frystak to discuss communications going forward.
BSA Projects – Abraham/Healy/Skillicorn
S. Coles, an Eagle Scout candidate, will be working on a project to replace the east side of the boardwalk at RTW in the spring, early summer. Skillicorn will work with the scout. Federer requested a list of projects that need to be accomplished for future consideration by Eagle Scout Candidates.
Volunteer Activities - Shah
No work days have occurred due to the cold weather. Shah will schedule work days at Buffalo Creek Park when weather permits. There is still quite a bit of work to be done spreading chips on the trails at RTW. Work days to be scheduled, weather permitting.
Shah is working on updating trail maps.
Strategy/Branding/Constituent Awareness – Southwell
Property Signage
Progress in building new signs has been made by Southwell and M. Young. The timbers require drying for another month or two. Goal is to have them installed in the spring, by end of April. Southwell reported PCA donated $4093.33 for the cedar timbers and an anonymous donation of $3002.70 was received for sign hardware, remaining timbers and plywood.
President’s Report – Southwell
Board Meetings
All commissioners are expected to attend meetings. If a board member is not able to come to a meeting, Southwell asked that he be notified at least a week in advance. Objective being to achieve a quorum at each scheduled meeting.
Shared Drive
Southwell asked that consideration be given to organizing and placing files logically and appropriately on the shared Google drive.
Lg Parks.org emails
All commissioners and staff have been set up with an lgparks.org email. All need to make sure they are initiated and in active use for official communication.
Annual Appeal
Letters went out to approximately 200 addresses. As of 01/09/23, $2550 in donations have been received. Southwell will be sending out letters to local businesses later in the year.
Parking Lot
Monthly reporting is up to date with the State. Southwell sent a notarized letter to the US Federal SAM system requesting to change the Entity Administrator to himself. This will allow LGPD to request and manage grants at federal and state levels going forward.
Holes in the parking lot at LH were filled in by the Ela Highway Department. Maintenance of the fields, backstops will be done in the spring.
Gridley Field
Restoration of the fields will continue in Spring 2023, including fertilizing and weed-control applications for the turf, baseball mix to be brought in to restore the infield. Another local resident contacted the Park District expressing interest in using the ball fields for a kid’s softball program. The fields should be ready for use in May or June.
Barbara Turner Memorial
A mockup of the memorial stand was sent out to board members prior to the meeting. Quotes for the metal stand will be obtained.
Longview Meadow
Healy proposed ideas for general maintenance of LVM. Quite a bit of work needs to be done in the north, central and southern sections. This will be discussed further.
IDOT Letter
A letter from IDOT was received regarding potential improvements to be made at Routes 83 and 22. These may include widening the road, adding sidewalks, crosswalks and bike trails, with potential ramifications to Long View Meadow. Southwell sent a letter in response to all inquiries included in the IDOT letter, including our initial concerns and requesting more information on intended plans.
The role of Treasurer is very important to the effectiveness of the LGPD. Southwell asked board members to consider volunteering for the position.
A rental strategy is needed for use of Reed-Turner Woodland Nature Center, the fire pit, ball fields and other assets. Southwell asked Frystak to research other park district’s rental policies and report back at the next board meeting.
Parks, Open Lands Property Management – Healy/Southwell
Healy reported that in February a group of volunteers led by Sarah Schultz and Mary Zander will be clearing brush at RTW.
Del Rios will be cleaning up branches, fallen trees at Buffalo Creek Park.
Old Business – Southwell
Distributed Responsibility for oversight of properties to commissioners
Southwell sent an email regarding LGPD properties. He would like to have board members volunteer and be accountable for oversight of each property. This would include visiting properties once or twice a year and serving as lead, in addressing any issues or opportunities that might arise throughout the year.
Adjournment of Meeting
Skillicorn moved to adjourn the meeting. Healy seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 8:14 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Stephanie Young, Recording Secretary
Long Grove Park District – Meeting Minutes
December 12, 2022
The meeting was called to order by James Southwell, President, at 6:36 p.m.
Roll Call
Commissioners Present: Abraham, Healy, Skillicorn, Southwell, Underwood
Commissioners Absent: Shah
Stewards & Staff Present : Frystak, Young
Members of the Public Present: Rich Federer
Meeting Minutes Review/Approval - Southwell
The November minutes were reviewed. Healy moved to approve the minutes as presented. Underwood seconded the motion. The November 2022 minutes were approved unanimously.
Treasury/Banking/Insurance – Southwell/Young
Financial Reports
The financial reports for October 2022 were reviewed and discussed at the meeting. Healy moved to accept the October financial reports as presented. Abraham seconded the motion. The financial reports for October 2022 were accepted unanimously.
The financial reports for November 2022 were reviewed and discussed at the meeting. Skillicorn moved to accept the November financial reports as presented. Underwood seconded the motion. The financial reports for November 2022 were accepted unanimously.
AP, Bookkeeping/Quickbooks Process Review – Shah/Young/Southwell
The online version of Quickbooks has been installed. More work needs to be done including connecting QB to PNC Bank.
New Commissioner Swearing-In – Southwell
Rich Federer was appointed at the November 2022 meeting to fill the vacancy left by Marie Kupferschmid. Federer took the oath of office and was sworn in as commissioner. He was welcomed to the board by all.
Legal/Intergovernmental – Southwell
Intergovernmental Agreement – State of IL/IDOT
No update.
Election Preparations – Young
Important dates regarding the consolidated 2023 election were discussed. The last day for filing petitions is December 19th.
FOIA Requests – Young
No FOIA requests were received in November.
Recreation Programs – Frystak/Young
The winter 2023 program guide has been posted on the website. Frystak will take over programs and events in the spring and will provide an outline for new programs/events starting in March. Frystak handed out a flyer for a new program; LGPD Explorer’s Scavenger Hunt for kids. Pictures will be posted on the Instagram account that was set up, and there will be an Explorer of the Month featured on IG and the RTW information board.
Frystak reported she has been working on updating the website. It has been backed up and now has current software. The calendar, agendas and minutes are now all up to date and can be accessed by the public.
Community Engagement/Communications – Healy
Articles were submitted for the January issue of Long Grove Living; Garden Club and the Eagle Scout project, picnic benches, at RTW.
BSA Projects – Abraham/Healy/Skillicorn
Healy was contacted by an Eagle Scout candidate wanting to do a project for the Park District. Ideas for the project; fixing the steps leading down to the trails, boardwalk repair, Hayrake trail bushwhacking. Abraham reported she has not heard from the scout that was working on the Hayrake trail.
Volunteer Activities – Shah
No report.
Healy reported a group of experienced volunteers led by Sarah Schultz and Mary Zander removed dense brush, thorny bushes south of the sedge meadow at RTW and also conducted a burn. The fire department was contacted prior to burning.
Strategy/Branding/Constituent Awareness – Southwell
Southwell and M. Young have been working on constructing the new Parks signage. Southwell anticipates the signs will be installed in April.
Parks, Open Lands Property Management – Healy/Southwell
Healy developed an action plan for 2023 that Southwell will review. It will be updated and shared with board members. Abraham is researching grants that could be used to offset costs.
Reed-Turner Woodland
There are three areas that need major cleanup of dense brush. Tallgrass will do the work during the winter months.
Healy applied for a $1000 IPARKS Power Grant.
President’s Report – Southwell
Wehrenberg Woods – Royal Melbourne
Approximately 12-13 dead trees were felled and dropped into the woods or removed by Woody’s Tree Service out of Libertyville. This was a new Tree Service used by the Park District. Great service, Uniquely equipped for large, tall and difficult to reach timber.
IL Matching Grant for Parking Lot Construction
The monthly reports to the State have been filed and are current. Will need to apply for reimbursement of the parking lot expenses after the SAM (Federal System for Award Management) system, and related settings/permissions is fully updated which is unfortunately complex and time consuming. We anticipate accessing the matching funds from the State of Illinois in April, after the final payment is made to Chicagoland Paving.
Southwell produced and distributed new LGPD vehicle placards, vehicle magnets for Board Member and Employee vehicles – as well as vinyl branding/signage for trailer, tractor, Kabota.
Gridley Ballfield
Restoration of the Gridley baseball field has progressed well. It is anticipated to be ready for use in late Spring 2023.
Old Business – Southwell
Lake County Stars
The contract between LCS and LGPD for use of Lemmon Hill ball field is up for renewal. Southwell met with the LCS President and Operations Manager for LCS December 12th to discuss and resolve numerous issues/concerns. Including resolving our expectations of non-exclusive, shared-use. Key among objectives was getting to agreement re set-aside times/days for LGPD to hold programs at LH. Outcomes of negotiation by Southwell was that LGPD will have use of the fields Monday and Wednesday evenings, 3 of 5 weekday mornings, as well as an early morning either Saturday or Sunday. The contract extension will be for 1 year and if commitments are not being honored it will not be renewed. A certificate of insurance must also be provided to LGPD.
Oversight of LGPD properties.
Southwell distributed a listing of LGPD properties/locations to commissioners. All Board Members were asked to volunteer to be responsible for over-sight of properties.
New Business - Southwell
Annual Appeal mailing
Southwell handed out a copy of the donation letter to commissioners. Individualized letters, produced through a MS Word Mail-merge will be produced and sent to previous donors. In addition it was decided to do a test solicitation to all residents/Members of a single Long Grove HOA (The Fields of Long Grove, selected for 2023) .
Barbara Turner Memorial
A drawing of the memorial stand was handed out for review. Underwood suggested putting limestone and flowers around the small structure. The LG/Kildeer Garden Club has expressed interest in donating money for this memorial.
Adjournment of Meeting
Skillicorn moved to adjourn the meeting. Healy seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 8:19 p.m.