Since 1973, we have preserved approximately 450 acres of natural areas & open spaces.
About Us
In 1973 the Long Grove Park District began with this philosophical mission statement: no taxation, preservation of natural areas, retention of open space, wise stewardship of various conservancy areas and to become a depository agency of easement grants. We currently have a “no taxation” policy.
The Long Grove Park District currently owns approximately 450 acres encompassing ponds and streams; wetlands and flood plans; woodlands; unique plant and wildlife habitats; trails and baseball fields.
As the Village of Long Grove continues to grow, the Park District strives to better serve the needs of the residents by offering recreational and educational programs each season.
At various times throughout the year, the Park District will offer informational and educational programs.
Board of Commissioners & Staff
The Long Grove Park District is managed by a group of elected volunteers that make up the Board of Commissions and a small staff of dedicated individuals.
The goal of each offering is to combine self-improvement and fun with new programs being added each season. Sign up today!
Check the calendar for the latest information on events, workshops and board meetings.
The Long Grove Park District currently owns 450 acres of land - from beautiful woodland trails and meadows to parks and baseball fields. Time to become a #LongGroveExplorer and see what all we have to offer!
See how you can get involved today and make a lasting difference in our community!